CfP: Neighbors and Neighborhood in the Balkans

It is our honor to invite you to the 6th International Balkan Studies Conference “Balkan Express”. This year the conference will aim to rethink the Balkans through concepts and ideas of neighbors, neighborhood and neighborly relations.

Date: November 12-13, 2021

Conference Venue: Faculty of Humanities, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic

Conference language: English

Conference format: Hybrid (Please specify whether you will be attending the conference physically or virtually in the online registration form).

Application deadline: August 31, 2021

More information available at the Balkan Express facebook page.

Konferencija o komšiluku na Balkanu

Tema VI međunarodne konferencije za balkanske studije „Balkan Express“, koja će se održati u Pragu (Karlov Univerzitet) 12-13. novembra 2021. je „Neighbors and neighborhood in the Balkans“. Cilj je propitivanje Balkana kroz koncept ideje o susjedima, komšiluku i komšijskim odnosima, odnosno kakva je uloga komšijskih odnosa u svakodnevnom životu ljudi na Balkanu tokom historije.

Poziv za učešće otvoren je do 31. avgusta 2021. godine.

Više možete čitati ovdje.

Preuzeto s portala
