Događanja CKPIS-a – Tanja Petrović: Che Guevara u Jugoslaviji

Sedmo i posljednje predavanje u Ljetnom semestru CKPIS-a održat će Tanja Petrović, znanstvena savjetnica na Institutu za kulturalne studije i kulturu sjećanja pri Znanstveno-istraživačkom centru Slovenske akademije znanosti i umjetnosti u Ljubljani, s kojim CKPIS ima uspješnu višegodišnju suradnju. Predavanje polazi od posjeta Che Guevare i kubanskog izaslanstva Jugoslaviji 1959., događaja koji se smješta u kontekst javnih narativa o prošlosti i kulture sjećanja, mimo kasnije mitologizacije lika kubanskog revolucionara i kraja socijalističke Jugoslavije, ali uzimajući u obzir prošle vizije budućnosti.

Predavanje će biti održano na engleskom jeziku u virtualnoj dvorani.

Srijeda, 2. lipnja 2021., 18.00 / Wednesday, 2 June 2021, 6.00 pm
BigBlueButton virtual room
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Tanja Petrović, Institute of Culture and Memory Studies ZRC SAZU Ljubljana
When Che Guevara Visited Yugoslavia: On Possibilities of Remembering in the Aftermath of the Yugoslav Socialist Project

In August 1959, a five-member delegation of Cuban revolutionaries and politicians led by the extraordinary ambassador, major Dr. Ernesto Guevara Serna visited socialist Yugoslavia. In this lecture I ponder upon possibilities to observe this event outside the memory frames defined by two subsequent events and processes – Che Guevara’s death in Bolivia and mythologisation of his persona, and the catastrophic end of Yugoslavia and its socialism. Both these processes make it difficult to look at Che Guevara’s visit to Yugoslavia as an event unfolding in its own temporality, rendering visions of the future inherent to that temporality invisible or significantly deformed. In order to become a source of useful knowledge about the socialist period in Yugoslavia, public narratives of the past, through which we collectively remember, need to be attentive to these past visions of the future, alternative modernities, and lost solidarities.

Tanja Petrović is research advisor at the Institute of Culture and Memory Studies ZRC SAZU and professor at the ZRC SAZU Graduate school in Ljubljana. She is interested in uses and meanings of socialist and Yugoslav legacies in post-Yugoslav societies, as well as in cultural, linguistic, political, and social processes that shape the reality of these societies. She explores a plethora of issues, encompassing the role of language in forming ideologies, memory and identity, labor and gender histories in post-Yugoslav spaces, and the relationship between memory, heritage, and historiographic narratives on Yugoslav socialism. She published numerous articles and monographs in the fields of anthropology of post-socialism, memory studies, masculinity, gender history, heritage studies, linguistic anthropology, and labor history.

