Događanja CKPIS-a – Sabina Mihelj: Televizija u socijalističkoj Europi

U Ljetnom semestru CKPIS-a ovoga tjedna gostuje Sabina Mihelj, profesorica na Sveučilištu u Loughboroughu u Velikoj Britaniji. Njezino predavanje temeljit će se na rezultatima nedavno zaključenog istraživačkog projekta Screening Socialism, uključujući i monografiju From Media Systems to Media Cultures: Understanding State Socialist Television (2018). Kulturološka analiza medija te kulturna i društvena povijest televizije otkrivaju na koji je način televizijski program oblikovao svakodnevicu u Istočnoj Njemačkoj, Poljskoj, Rumunjskoj, Sovjetskom Savezu i Jugoslaviji.

Predavanje će biti održano na engleskom jeziku u virtualnoj dvorani.

Srijeda, 19. svibnja 2021., 18.00 / Wednesday, 19 May 2021, 6.00 pm
BigBlueButton virtual room
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Sabina Mihelj, Centre for Research in Communication and Culture, Loughborough University
Watching Socialism: The Television Revolution in Eastern Europe

In this talk, based on a recently completed research project and monograph, I delve into the fascinating world of television under communism, using it to test a new framework for comparative media analysis. To understand the societal consequences of mass communication, I argue that we need to move beyond the analysis of media systems, and instead focus on the role of the media in shaping cultural ideals and narratives, everyday practices, and routines. Drawing on a wealth of original data derived from archival sources, programme and schedule analysis, and oral history interviews in five countries – East Germany, Poland, Romania, the Soviet Union, and Yugoslavia – I show how communist authorities managed to harness the power of television to shape new habits and rituals, yet failed to inspire a deeper belief in communist ideals. The analysis I present has important implications for the understanding of mediated communication in both democratic and non-democratic settings, and provides tools for the analysis of media cultures globally. In the concluding part of the talk, I briefly reflect on how the approach to comparing media cultures developed in the book can be adapted to examine contemporary digital or ‘hybrid’ media cultures.

Sabina Mihelj is Professor of Media and Cultural Analysis at Loughborough University. She is the author of Media Nations: Communicating Belonging and Exclusion in the Modern World (Palgrave, 2011), Central and Eastern European Media in Comparative Perspective: Politics, Economy, Culture (Ashgate, 2012, with J. Downey) and From Media Systems to Media Cultures: Understanding State Socialist Television (with S. Huxtable, Cambridge University Press, 2018). She published widely on mass communication and cultural identity, comparative media research, and Cold War media and culture. Her new project, conducted with her Loughborough colleague Václav Štětka, examines the role of the media in the rise of illiberalism in Central and Eastern Europe (ESRC, 2019-2021).

