Događanja CKPIS-a: Chiara Bonfiglioli: Mikrohistorija rada i roda u socijalističkoj Jugoslaviji

Druga gošća Ljetnog semestra CKPIS-a je Chiara Bonfiglioli, predavačica rodnih i ženskih studija na Sveučilišnom koledžu Cork u Irskoj, autorica knjige „Women and Industry in the Balkans: The Rise and Fall of the Yugoslav Textile Sector“ te suradnica CKPIS-a i projekta Mikrosocijalizam (HRZZ). Na predavanju će govoriti o vrijednosti arhivskih izvora za mikrohistoriju rada i roda na primjeru djelovanja Konferencije za društvenu aktivnost žena (KDAŽ) u Dugoj Resi, tamošnjoj industriji i općinskim tijelima od šezdesetih godina nadalje.

Predavanje će biti održano na engleskom jeziku u virtualnoj dvorani.

Srijeda, 24. ožujka 2021., 19.00 / Wednesday, 24 March 2021, 7.00 pm
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Chiara Bonfiglioli, University College Cork
Microhistories of labour and gender in socialist Yugoslavia: the case of Duga Resa

In this lecture I will discuss archival sources from state socialist women’s organizations in Yugoslavia, and their usefulness for micro-histories of labour and gender, through the case study of the industrial town of Duga Resa. The archives produced by the Conference for the Social Activity of Women (KDAŽ) from 1961 onwards make clear that women’s double burden was not silenced, but rather frequently discussed by socialist authorities, women’s organizations and female workers themselves. Due to the decentralized character of the Yugoslav system, local women’s societies were a stable presence within factories and municipal councils. KDAŽ activists – such as Brigita Ferderber, the President of the municipal KDAŽ in Duga Resa – often lobbied for better working and welfare rights for female workers, notably through the provision of housing, childcare and healthcare services. A micro-historical perspective allows us to have a more complex understanding of KDAŽ members’ agency, and to make use of KDAŽ archives as productive sources for labour and gender history in socialist times.

Chiara Bonfiglioli is a Lecturer in Gender and Women’s Studies at University College Cork (UCC), Ireland, where she coordinates the Masters programme in Women’s Studies.  She defended her PhD at Utrecht University and held post-doctoral fellowships at the University of Edinburgh, the University of Pula, and the Institute for Human Sciences (IWM) in Vienna. Her research addresses transnational women’s and feminist history with a specific focus on the former Yugoslavia and Italy. She is the author of Women and Industry in the Balkans: The Rise and Fall of the Yugoslav Textile Sector (London: I. B. Tauris/Bloomsbury, 2019).

