Philipp Ther, “Europe since 1989: A History”

European University Institute, Florence



Tuesday 04 October 2016


18:00 to 20:00


Europe since 1989: A History


Sala del Torrino , Villa Salviati 


Philipp Ther—a firsthand witness to many of the transformations, from Czechoslovakia during the Velvet Revolution to postcommunist Poland and Ukraine—offers a sweeping narrative filled with vivid details and memorable stories. He describes how liberalization, deregulation, and privatization had catastrophic effects on former Soviet Bloc countries. He refutes the idea that this economic “shock therapy” was the basis of later growth, arguing that human capital and the “transformation from below” determined economic success or failure. Most important, he shows how the capitalist West’s effort to reshape Eastern Europe in its own likeness ended up reshaping Western Europe as well, in part by accelerating the pace and scope of neoliberal reforms in the West, particularly in reunified Germany. Finally, bringing the story up to the present, Ther compares events in Eastern and Southern Europe leading up to and following the 2008–9 global financial crisis.



Philipp Ther is professor of Central European history at the University of Vienna. From 2007 to 2010 he was professor of Comparative and Transnational History at the EUI. His books include The Dark Side of Nation-States: Ethnic Cleansing in Modern Europe and Center Stage: Operatic Culture and Nation Building in Nineteenth-Century Central Europe.


Commentators: Vera Scepanovic (EUI, Max Weber Fellow), Federico Romero (EUI), Pavel Kolár (EUI)


Chair: Dorothee Bohle (SPS)



Sala del Torrino , Villa Salviati



Department of History and Civilization,Department of Political and Social Sciences






Vera Scepanovic – EUI – Max Weber Postdoctoral Programme

Professor Pavel Kolar – EUI

Federico Romero – EUI – HEC



Pieter Judson – EUI – Department of History and Civilization

Prof. Dorothee Bohle – Central European University

Professor Pavel Kolar – EUI



Prof. Philipp Ther – University of Vienna




Das 2014 bei Suhrkamp publizierte Buch von Philipp Ther “Die neue Ordnung auf dem alten Kontinent. Eine Geschichte des neoliberalen Europa” ist nun auch in Polen erschienen.


Philipp Ther


Nowy ład na starym kontinencie. Historia neoliberalnej Europy


Die polnische Version wird vom Kurhaus-Verlag in Warschau verlegt.




Philipp Ther


Nový pořádek na starém kontinentě

Příběh neoliberální Evropy


Prag 2016.



Europe since 1989:

A History

Philipp Ther

Translated by Charlotte Hughes-Kreutzmüller





Usp. dosadašnje obavijesti na portalu


—, 21.03.2015, Die Gewinner des Preises der Leipziger Buchmesse 2015 – Philipp Ther: “Die neue Ordnung auf dem alten Kontinent. Eine Geschichte des neoliberalen Europa”


—-, 28.02.2015, The talk and roundtable discussion on the book “The New Order on the Old Continent. A History of Neoliberal Europe since the 1980s”



—-, 25.11.2014, Buchpräsentation, „Die neue Ordnung auf dem alten Kontinent“


