Project “Religion and Science – Priests as University Professors and Rectors“

Kolegice i kolege crkveni povjesničari s Katoličkog bogoslovnog fakulteta u Zagrebu dobili su krajem 2020. godine projekt “Religion and Science – Priests as University Professors and Rectors“ pri John Templeton Foundation na Sveučilištu u Oxfordu. Više u nastavku.

Naslov projekta:  Religion and Science – Priests as university professors and rectors

Voditeljica: doc. dr. Ana Biočić, KBF

Sažetak: We intend to stimulate a better understanding of the relationship between the Catholic faith and science through the questions which thematize: a) The role of religion in the historical development of science b) How the history of Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) influenced views on science and religion. The main research question is how religion influenced the development of science at the University of Zagreb. We will find the answer by researching the life, activities, and scientific work of the priests’ rectors of the University. By an interdisciplinary approach (history, theology, and philosophy) we will research whether and if so in what way the elected rectors of the University of Zagreb, and professors of the (Catholic) Faculty of Theology, who were also priests, improved and contributed to the development of science. The research focus will also be devoted to the education of rectors within the multicultural and multinational Austro-Hungarian Monarchy, later the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats, and Slovenes, respectively Yugoslavia. In this respect, new perspectives of research within the CEE region will be opened. The many activities of the project will include a conference, five translations of key works into leading regional languages, conference proceedings, and an exhibition. These activities will help in creating a new generation of scholars and co-operative networks which will transform the future research in the region.

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