Arhivi u potresu 29. prosinca 2020. / Archives in December earthquake

U razornome potresu 29. prosinca 2020. godine u 12 sati i 19 minuta, s epicentrom 5 km jugozapadno od Petrinje magnitude 6.2 prema Richteru, stradali su i naši državni arhivi: Državni arhiv u Sisku i pripadajući Arhivski sabirni centar u Petrinji, Državni arhiv u Zagrebu, Arhivski sabirni centar u Krapini (Državnoga arhiva u Varaždinu), a jednome dijelu zgrade Državnoga arhiva u Virovitici ozbiljno je narušena statika. Manja oštećenja također su nastala i na zgradi Državnoga arhiva za Međimurje u Štrigovi te na zgradi Državnoga arhiva u Splitu. Najveće štete pretrpjeli su Državni arhiv u Sisku i Arhivski sabirni centar u Petrinji, zbog čega su tamošnji kolege u stalnome kontaktu s mjerodavnim službama. Na svim spomenutim objektima najvećim su dijelom oštećeni zidovi, stropovi i svodovi te su urušeni dimnjaci, a šteta je također vidljiva i u spremišnim prostorijama, gdje je oštećena oprema (police, mjerni uređaji, instrumenti) a dio gradiva je popadalo s polica. U zgradu u Petrinji ulazak još nije dozvoljen. Budući da se najvećim dijelom radi o objektima iznimne povijesne i kulturne vrijednosti, šteta je time još veća. Nakon spomenutog potresa uslijedio je i velik broj naknadnih potresa nešto slabijeg intenziteta, te će kolege, čim okolnosti budu dozvoljavale, pristupiti vraćanju gradiva u prvobitno stanje, kao i spašavanju gradiva s terena. Dodatna oštećenja nakon ožujskoga potresa pretrpio je i Hrvatski državni arhiv na Marulićevu trgu u Zagrebu. Iako zgrada zbog svoje armirano-betonske konstrukcije, koja je u doba kad je građena predstavljala velik arhitektonski iskorak, nije pretrpjela veću štetu u uredskim i većini spremišnih prostora, znatno su povećana oštećenja na zidanome nadgrađu koje nosi kupolu iznad Velike čitaonice, nastala u potresu prije deset mjeseci.

Treba naglasiti i podatak da osim DA u Sisku i ASC u Petrinji, svi ostali arhivi i dalje primaju korisnike – iako u smanjenome broju već zbog epidemioloških mjera – te rješavaju online zaprimljene zahtjeve građana, odlazeći konzultirati gradivo u znatno oštećena spremišta. Hrvatski državni arhiv za korisnike je zatvoren tek 30. prosinca 2020. kako bi se zgrada ponovno statički provjerila, ali će njihov dolazak biti moguć već od 13. siječnja 2021., kad će se za korištenje osposobiti neki drugi prostori izvan Velike čitaonice. 

In the devastating earthquake on December 29, 2020 at 12 hours and 19 minutes, with the epicenter 5 km southwest of Petrinja of magnitude 6.2 according to Richter, our state archives were also destroyed: the State Archives in Sisak and the associated Archival Collection Center in Petrinja, the State Archives in Zagreb, the Archives Collection Center in Krapina (State Archives in Varaždin), and one part of the building of the State Archives in Virovitica is no longer statically safe. Minor damage also occurred to the building of the State Archives for Međimurje in Štrigova and to the building of the State Archives in Split. The greatest damage was suffered by the State Archives in Sisak and the Archival Collection Center in Petrinja, which is why their colleagues are in constant contact with the relevant services. The walls, ceilings and vaults of all the mentioned buildings were mostly damaged and the chimneys collapsed, and the damage is also visible in the storage rooms, where the equipment (shelves, measuring devices, instruments) was damaged and part of the material fell off the shelves. Entry to the building in Petrinja is not allowed yet. Since most of them are buildings of exceptional historical and cultural value, the damage is even greater. The mentioned earthquake was followed by a large number of subsequent earthquakes of somewhat lower intensity, and colleagues will, as soon as the circumstances allow, start restoring the material to its original condition, as well as rescuing the material outside the archives. The Croatian State Archives on Marulić Square in Zagreb also suffered additional damage after the March earthquake. Although the building, due to its reinforced concrete structure, which at the time it was built was a major architectural breakthrough, did not suffer major damage in offices and most storage spaces, the damage to the masonry superstructure bearing the dome above the Great Reading Room, caused by the earthquake ten months ago, has increased significantly. It should be emphasized that except for The State Archives in Sisak and the Archive Collection Center in Petrinja, all other archives continue to receive users – albeit in a reduced number due to epidemiological measures – and resolve online requests from citizens, while consulting the material in significantly damaged repositories. The Croatian State Archive is closed to users only on December 30, 2020, so that the building can be statically checked again, but their arrival will be possible as early as January 13, 2021, when other spaces outside the Great Reading Room will be available for use.

Izvor i fotografije:
