Događanja CKPIS-a – Brigitte Le Normand: Rijeka in Flux

Brigitte Le Normand, izvanredna profesorica povijesti na Sveučilištu British Columbia Okanagan, autorica studija o urbanizaciji i migracijama radnika u socijalističkoj Jugoslaviji te voditeljica projekta „Rijeka in Flux: granice i urbane promjene poslije Drugog svjetskog rata“, peta je gošća Zimskog semestra CKPIS-a. Održat će predavanje „Using technology to engage publics on complicated histories: the Rijeka in Flux app.“ kojim će predstaviti rad na interdisciplinarnom projektu te aplikaciju koja pomaže u razumijevanju povijesti Rijeke i omogućuje interakciju s prošlošću grada. Predavanje će biti održano na engleskom jeziku u virtualnoj dvorani.

Srijeda, 16. prosinca 2020., 18.00 / Wednesday, 16 December 2020, 18.00
BigBlueButton virtual room
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Brigitte Le Normand, Associate Professor of History at the University of British Columbia, Okanagan
Using technology to engage publics on complicated histories: the Rijeka in Flux app.

How can new technologies help us not only to reach broader audiences, but also to change the ways in which we interact with, and understand, the past?  The Rijeka in Flux mobile phone app provides users with the opportunity to engage with the past in multiple different ways. By inviting users an embodied experience of the past with the help of augmented reality, and offering users different ways to structure their engagement with historical knowledge, it aims to disrupt entrenched narratives and enable a more open-ended encounter with the past.

Brigitte Le Normand is Associate Professor of History at the University of British Columbia, Okanagan.  She is P.I. of the interdisciplinary, collaborative research project „Rijeka in Flux: Borders and Urban Change after World War II,“ funded by the Social Science and Humanities Research Council of Canada. She has published several articles and monographs on urban planning and labour migration in socialist Yugoslavia, including “Designing Tito’s Capital: Urban Planning, Modernism, and Socialism” (Pittsburg University Press, 2014) and “Citizens Without Borders: Yugoslavia and its Migrant Workers in Western Europe” (University of Toronto Press, Spring 2021).

