Događanja CKPIS-a – Gal Kirn: Yugoslav partisan counter-archive

U Zimskom semestru CKPIS-a na redu je četvrto predavanje koje će pod naslovom „Yugoslav partisan counter-archive“ održati Gal Kirn, gostujući profesor kulturne povijesti na Sveučilištu u Novoj Gorici, s prethodnim radnim iskustvom u Berlinu, Leipzigu i Dresdenu. Predavanje se temelji na njegovoj posljednjoj knjizi „Partisan Counter Archive: Retracing the Ruptures of Art and Memory in the Yugoslav People’s Liberation Struggle and Beyond“ (2020). Gal Kirn govorit će o postsocijalističkom revizionističkom demoniziranju revolucionarne jezgre Narodnooslobodilačke borbe, o politici nacionalne pomirbe na primjeru Slovenije i jednog ljubljanskog spomenika te o emancipatorskim fragmentima partizanske prošlosti nastalima u intenzivnom susretu političkog i umjetničkog eksperimentiranja. Predavanje će biti održano na engleskom jeziku u virtualnoj dvorani.

Srijeda, 2. prosinca 2020., 18.00 / Wednesday, 2 December 2020, 18.00
BigBlueButton virtual room
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Gal Kirn, University of Nova Gorica
Yugoslav partisan counter-archive

The lecture will be based on the recent book “The Partisan Counter-Archive” and will first sketch the frame of intervention in the post-socialist context where the dominant ideology of historical revisionism and anti-totalitarianism demonized and dismantled revolutionary core of People’s Liberation Struggle from the Second World War. Furthermore, and as a case study, I will speak about the specific formation of “national reconciliation” in Slovenian context and a major monument in the centre of Ljubljana. In the second part of the lecture I will speak of the more affirmative side of the counter-archive, the way how I attempted to retrieve emancipatory fragments of the partisan past that draw consequences from an intense encounter of political and artistic experimentation. Counter-archive selects an array of artworks that produced excess over the existing art, and situation, and succeeded to express self-reflexive temporality that reversed remembering from past to future.

Gal Kirn has a PhD from the University of Nova Gorica in Slovenia. He has since worked, among other places, at the Institute for Cultural Inquiry, Humboldt University in Berlin, GWZO in Leipzig and at TU Dresden. He has published on diverse topics from post-Fordism, and Yugoslav black wave cinema to Althusser and critique of neoliberalism. His latest books deal with the topic of partisan struggle and socialist Yugoslavia, albeit from different angles. Partisan Ruptures was published by Pluto Press (2019) and deals with politico-economic investigation of the rise and demise of socialist Yugoslavia, while The Partisan Counter-Archive (De Gruyter, 2020) works on the triangulation of politics, art and memory on the case of partisan liberation struggle. He is currently Visiting Professor at Cultural History program at University of Nova Gorica.

