Call for expression of interest: Flying colloquium for the history of science in Central, Eastern and Southeastern Europe

hps.cesee: History of Science in Central, Eastern and Southeastern Europe is proud to inaugurate a “flying colloquium for the history of science in CESEE”, a series of informal seminars where we plan to discuss ongoing work in our field. The call is addressed to scholars who would like to discuss their work in progress — PhD fragments, article drafts, book chapters, or forthcoming important presentations — with a group of peers and invited experts in a safe environment. Our intention is to create an “invisible college” concerned with the history of science and scholarship (i.e. natural sciences, humanities, social sciences, technology and medicine), where we can share our interest and expertise in an informal and supportive atmosphere. The call is directed at scholars at all career stages, though preference will be given to early-career researchers. The colloquium responds not just to the limitation of travelling options during the ongoing pandemic, but more generally to the lack of fora for discussion of projects in the histories of sciences and humanities in CESEE. It also aims to strengthen global exchange on this topic.

Texts for the colloquium will be pre-circulated, and will be introduced by a commentator. For a start, we would like to set up a limited group that meets online twice a month between January and March 2021, where we shall create a constructive and safe atmosphere for productive discussions. If you would like to take part in the colloquium by presenting a piece of your own work and/or discussing the work of others, please fill out the form here by November 25, 2020.

For questions please contact

(Image: Studying. by Alexandr Deyneka, USSR, 1961)
