Month of Historical Epistemology / Mois de l’épistémologie historique – Novembre 2020

As the 6th edition of the Workshop on Historical Epistemology – Historical Epistemology and Epistemology of History – could not take place last spring, we have rescheduled it in a new format. We are thus very glad to invite you to the Month of Historical Epistemology! During November 2020, we will hold weekly meetings on Zoom to discuss different aspects of the relationships between historical epistemology and epistemology of history. 

In order to participate and receive relevant information concerning the weekly discussions and meeting links, please register at the following link:

The abstracts of the talks and all Workshop updates can be found at

6th International Workshop on Historical Epistemology
Historical Epistemology and Epistemology of History

November 4, 12, 18, 25  2020 ; 17h-19h (Paris time) on Zoom

Inscription required:

The workshop is organized by Épistémologie historique. Research Network 
on the History and the Methods of Historical Epistemology

With the support of École doctorale de Philosophie – ED 280 (Paris 1)
IHPST (UMR 8590, Paris 1/CNRS)
PhiCO/ISJPS (UMR 8103, Paris 1)

République des Savoirs (USR 3608, ENS/ Collège de France/CNRS)
École doctorale Lettres, Arts, Sciences humaines et sociales –
ED 540 (ENS) – EUR Translitteræ (PSL)
Maison d’Auguste Comte

Wednesday, November 4
17h-19h (Paris time)

Paul Roth (University of California, Santa Cruz), Hacking’s Historiography?

Matteo Vagelli (Université Paris 1 Pantheon-Sorbonne), Does historical
epistemology need a theory of history?

Lucie Fabry (École normale supérieure & Centre Marc Bloch), Epistemologies
of history with a Bachelardian background: Granger, Althusser and

Thursday, November 12
17h-19h (Paris time)

Stefanos Geroulanos (New York University), Concepts, Metaphors, and
Historical Epistemology.

Annagiulia Canesso (Università degli Studi di Padova, Istituto Italiano
per gli Studi Filosofici di Napoli), L’histoire errante de la vérité entre
Gaston Bachelard et Georges Canguilhem.

Alberto Vianelli (Università degli Studi dell’Insubria), Marc Bloch, un
historien entre métier et méthode.

Wednesday, November 18
17h-19h (Paris time)

Perrine Simon-Nahum (CNRS, École normale supérieure), Le jeune Aron : de
la biologie à la philosophie de l’histoire.

Massimiliano Simons (Ghent University), History as engagement: The
Historical Epistemology of Raymond Aron.

Iván Moya Diez (Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne), Dès l’universalité
à la contingence des valeurs. La problématisation du jugement historique
chez Canguilhem.

Wednesday, November 25
17h-19h (Paris time)

Sophie Roux (École normale supérieure), La question de l’historicité des
sciences chez les bachelardiens.

Silvia De Cesare (Université de Genève), L’idée de « progrès » entre
histoire des sciences et histoire de la vie : analyse d’une analogie
proposée par Thomas Kuhn.

Masahito Hirai (University of Tokyo), Le principe des conditions d’existence et son
application en sociologie comtienne.

Organizing committee

Matteo Vagelli
Ivan Moya Diez
Lucie Fabry
Caroline Angleraux
Marcos Camolezi
Victor Lefèvre

Scientific Committee

Christian Bonnet, CHSPM Paris 1
Jean-François Braunstein, PhiCo Paris 1
Hasok Chang, Cambridge University
Cristina Chimisso, Open University, UK
Arnold I. Davidson, Université de Chicago
Moritz Epple, Université de Francfort
Pierre Wagner, IHPST Paris 1
