Događanja CKPIS-a: Federico Tenca Montini: Jugoslavija i Tršćanska kriza (1945-1954)

Prvo predavanje u ciklusu Zimski semestar CKPIS-a održat će Federico Tenca Montini, povjesničar sa Sveučilišta u Trstu. Doktorirao je na sveučilištima u Teramu i Zagrebu, na temu Tršćanske krize. Disertacija je objavljena u Italiji, a u pripremi je i hrvatsko izdanje. Utvrđivanje državne granice i Tršćanska kriza bili su u središtu jugoslavensko-talijanskih odnosa po završetku Drugog svjetskog rata. Utemeljeno na novim arhivskim istraživanjima, predavanje će se baviti djelovanjem jugoslavenske diplomacije, povezivanjem sa Zapadom poslije sukoba s Informbiroom i odnosom prema Slobodnom Teritoriju Trsta. Predavanje će biti održano na engleskom jeziku u virtualnoj dvorani.

Srijeda, 21. listopada 2020., 18.00 / Wednesday, 21 October 2020, 18.00
BigBlueButton virtual room
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Federico Tenca Montini: Yugoslavia and the Trieste crisis (1945-1954)

The lecture will focus on new archival evidence on the functioning of the Yugoslav diplomacy during the issue of Trieste, the ten-years-long territorial dispute Yugoslavia had with Italy around the uppermost Adriatic port. It will be shown how the good relations gradually established with the Western powers after the Cominform crisis in 1948 brought the Yugoslav elite in 1952-1953 to believe it would be possible to activate the Free Trieste Territory, a buffer-state approved on paper by the Peace conference in 1947, through a form of joint Yugoslav-Italian administration.

Federico Tenca Montini is researcher at the University of Trieste. After receiving his MA at the University in Milan (Bicocca) with a thesis on historical revisionism later published as a book (Fenomenologia di un martirologio mediatico, 2014), he won funding of the Italian Ministry of education and university for a joint Ph.D. (universities of Teramo and Zagreb, mentor prof. Tvrtko Jakovina). His doctoral thesis, on the issue of Trieste reconstructed through yYugoslav documentation, has been published in Italy by il Mulino with a preface by prof. Jože Pirjevec. There are further plans for a Croatian edition. More info.

