Izložba i predavanje: Borbe s papirom. Javna knjižnica

Javna knjižnica

Galerija Nova, Teslina 7, Zagreb
Izložbu osmislili i kroz nju vode: Marcell Mars i Tomislav Medak

► Petak, 16.10. 2020.
18.00 Tomislav Medak i Marcell Mars, Politiziranje piratstva, prezentacija i projekcija*, MAMA, Preradovićeva 18, Zagreb

20.00 otvorenje izložbe, Galerija Nova, Teslina 7, Zagreb

Izložba ostaje otvorena do 24.10. 2020.

Vodstva kroz izložbu uz autore projekta bit će moguća u subotu 17.10. i utorak 20.10. od 17 do 20 sati.

Zbog ograničenog broja publike, molimo da se za predavanje i vodstva prijavite na mail martina.whw@gmail.com.

Izložba Borbe s papirom nastavak je projekta Javna knjižnica. Projekt Javna knjižnica od 2012. godine izložbama, publikacijama, izradom digitalnih alatki i javnom polemikom radi na promicanju općeg prava na pristup kulturi i znanju. Projekt kritički i praktički propituje kako režim intelektualnog vlasništva ograničava to pravo i služi kao regulatorni mehanizam nejednake dostupnosti koja produbljuje jaz u obrazovanju, stručnosti i društvenom napretku između ekonomski najrazvijenijih zemalja i zemalja (polu-)periferije poput naše.

U sklopu izložbe bit će izloženi projekti: Pravni spor oko Rameshwari Photocopy Services; Kenneth Goldsmith: Printing out the Internet; Monoskop: Architecture i Anthropocene, Memory of the World: Catalogue by Slowrotation.

Izložba dokumentira kako se borbe oko pristupa znanju u uvjetima globalne ekonomske nejednakosti i nejednakosti u “društvu znanja” materijaliziraju kroz tisak, fotokopiranje i printanje.
Digitalne mreže olakšale su dostupnost znanja i drastično povećale količinu dostupne tekstualne građe u odnosu na dane tiska. Kada bismo htjeli otisnuti samo katalog knjiga koje možemo smjestiti na disk osobnog računala ispunili bismo nekoliko velikih svezaka gustog teksta. Pa ipak u mnogim situacijama i u mnogim društvima čitanje s papira ostaje povlašteni oblik pristupa znanju.

Istodobno, piratsko kopiranje i distribuiranje danas percipiramo kao fenomen digitalne kulture. Međutim, diseminacija znanja u pred-digitalnim danima temeljila se na fotokopiranju i piratskim izdanjima. Fotokopirane knjige i fotokopirani znanstveni članci koji bi se fotokopirali s generacije na generaciju i od znanstvenika do znanstvenika omogućili su mnogima da završe studije, djeluju kao znanstvenici i prenose znanja mlađima. “Društvo znanja” prije tri desetljeća ne bi postojalo bez ilegalnog dijeljenja znanja kao što ni današnje “društvo znanja” ne postoji bez ilegalnog dijeljenja znanja.

Prošlost i sadašnjost borbe oko dostupnosti znanja stoga možemo sagledati kroz borbe s papirom.

Marcell Mars je istraživač pri Centru za postdigitalne kulture na Sveučilištu Coventry. Jedan je od osnivača Multimedijalnog instituta/MAMA u Zagrebu. Njegov istraživački projekt Studije vladajuće klase, koji je započeo na Jan van Eyck Akademiji 2011. godine, preispituje procese digitalne inovacije, adaptacije i inteligencije u korporacijama kao što su Google, Amazon, Facebook i eBay. Doktorand je pri Laboratoriju za istraživanje digitalnih kultura na Sveučilištu Leuphana, gdje piše tezu pod naslovom Foreshadowed Libraries. S Tomislavom Medakom pokrenuo je projekt Memory of the World/Public Library za koji razvija i održava softversku infrastrukturu.

Tomislav Medak je doktorand pri Centru za postdigitalne kulture Sveučilišta Coventry. Član je teorijskog i izdavačkog tima Multimedijalnog instituta i knjižničar-amater projekta Memory of the World/Public Library. U istraživačkom radu bavi se pitanjima tehnologija, kapitalizma i postkapitalističke tranzicije, s posebnim fokusom na ekonomiji intelektualnog vlasništva i nejednakoj razvijenosti znanosti i tehnologija. Autor je dvaju ogleda: The Hard Matter of Abstracion – A Guidebook to Domination by Abstraction i Shit Tech for A Shitty World. S Marcellom Marsom uredio je zbornik Javna knjižnica i pamflet Guerilla Open Access

*Prezentacija i projekcija realizirana je u sklopu WHW programa Brinući jedni za druge, radikalne politike brižnosti koji se sastoji od filmskih, video i diskurzivnih programa koji se bave problematikom emancipatorskih i dekolonizirajućih perspektiva u odnosu na intimne i političke aspekte brige i brižnosti u kontekstu borbe za društvene promjene i solidarnost.

Producirali: Multimedijalni institut, Centar za postdigitalne kulture Sveučilišta Coventry i WHW/Što, kako i za koga

Program podržavaju:
Grad Zagreb
European Cultural Foundation
Hrvatski audiovizualni centar
Ministarstvo kulture i medija Republike Hrvatske
Zaklada Kultura nova

Zahvaljujemo: Dušanu Baroku, Kennethu Goldsmithu, Lawrenceu Liangu, Kaji Marczewskoj, Rabindra Patra, Shubigi Rao, Alexu Sainsburyju i Mohammadu Salemyju.

Radno vrijeme galerije:
utorak – petak: 12.00 – 20.00
subota: 11.00 – 14.00


Public Library
Gallery Nova, Teslina 7, Zagreb
Conception and guidance through the exhibition: Marcell Mars i Tomislav Medak

► Friday, 16.10. 2020.
18.00 Tomislav Medak & Marcell Mars: Politicising Piracy, presentation and screening* programme, MAMA, Preradovićeva ul. 18, Zagreb

20.00 exhibition opening, Gallery Nova, Teslina 7, Zagreb
Exhibition will be open until 24.10. 2020.

Exhibition guided tours with the authors of the project will be possible on Saturday 17.10. and Tuesday 20.10. from 5 to 8 p.m.

Due to the limited number of audience, please register for the lecture and guide tour by sending email at martina.whw@gmail.com.

The exhibition Paper struggles is an extension of the Public Library project. Since 2012 Public Library has developed exhibitions, publications, digital tools and public debate to further the cause of the universal access to knowledge and culture. The project is a critical and practical investigation of how the intellectual property regime limits that right and serves as a regulatory mechanism of uneven access to culture, science and research that results in a growing gap in education, expertise and social development between the economically most advanced countries and countries of (semi-)peripheries such as Croatia.

The exhibition features projects: Rameshwari Photocopy Services legal case, Kenneth Goldsmith’s Printing out the Internet; Monoskop’s Architercture & Anthropocene, Memory of the World’s Catalogue by Slowrotation. The exhibition documents how struggles over access to knowledge, in the context of global economic inequalities and inequalities in the „knowledge society”, materialise in the form of print, photocopy and printout. The digital networks have expanded the volume of available text exponentially since to the days of print. So much so that if we were to print out a catalogue of books that we can store a personal computer hard-drive, the catalogue would require a couple of large volumes of fine print. Yet, in many situations and many societies, reading from paper still remains the preferred way of accessing knowledge.

At the same time, pirate copying and distribution we tend to perceive as a phenomenon of digital culture. However, the dissemination of knowledge before the digital depended crucially on photocopying and pirate re-prints. Photocopied books and articles passed down from generation to generation and from scientist to scientist have enabled many to finish their studies, to become scientists and to teach younger generations. The „knowledge society” three decades ago would not have been conceivable without the illegal sharing of knowledge, just as the „knowledge society” today isn’t conceivable without the illegal sharing of knowledge.
Therefore, the past and the future of struggles over access to knowledge can be gleaned from paper struggles.

Marcell Mars is a research fellow at the Centre for Postdigital Cultures. Mars is one of the founders of Multimedia Institute/MAMA in Zagreb. His research Ruling Class Studies, started at the Jan van Eyck Academy (2011), examines state-of-the-art digital innovation, adaptation, and intelligence created by corporations such as Google, Amazon, Facebook, and eBay. He is a doctoral student at Digital Cultures Research Lab at Leuphana University, writing a thesis on Foreshadowed Libraries. Together with Tomislav Medak he founded Memory of the World project, for which he develops and maintains software infrastructure.

Tomislav Medak is a doctoral student at the Centre for Postdigital Cultures. Medak is a member of the theory and publishing team of the Multimedia Institute/MAMA in Zagreb, as well as an amateur librarian for the Memory of the World. His research focuses on technologies, capitalist development, and postcapitalist transition, particularly on economies of intellectual property and unevenness of technoscience. He authored two short volumes: The Hard Matter of Abstraction—A Guidebook to Domination by Abstraction and Shit Tech for A Shitty World. Together with Marcell Mars he co-edited ‘Public Library’ and ‘Guerrilla Open Access’.

* Presentation and screening program are part of WHW’s Caring for one another, radical politics of caring comprising of film, video and discursive programs focusing on achieving emancipatory and decolonising prospects through intimate and political aspects of care and caring in the context of social of social change and solidarity.

Produced by: Multimedia Institute, Coventry University’s Centre for Postdigital Cultures and WHW, What, how and for whom

Supported by:
City of Zagreb
European Cultural Foundation
Croatian Audiovisual Centre (HAVC)
Ministry of Culture and Media, Republic of Croatia
Kultura nova Foundation

We wish to thank: Dušan Barok, Kenneth Goldsmith, Lawrence Liang, Kaja Marczewska, Rabinda Patra, Shubigi Rao, Alex Sainsbury and Mohammad Salemy.

Gallery opening hours:
Tuesday – Friday: 12.00 – 20.00
Saturday: 11.00 – 14.00


