Being a Student in the Habsburg Monarchy

U uglednom međunarodnom časopisu „History of Education & Children’s Literature“ (br. XV/1 2020) objavljeni su radovi s konferencije Being a Student in the Habsburg Monarchy održane na Hrvatskom institutu za povijest u svibnju 2017. u okviru projekta „Od protomodernizacije do modernizacije školstva u Hrvatskoj“. U ovim radovima društveni, kulturni i antropološki aspekti života učenika i studenata postavljeni su u središte istraživačkog interesa. Autori propituju utjecaj obrazovnog sustava Habsburške Monarhije 18. i 19. stoljeća u raznim političkim, ekonomskim i kulturnim okruženjima u Monarhiji, kao i izazove s kojima su se tijekom intenzivnih reformi obrazovnog sustava suočavali njegovi krajnji korisnici.

Urednici su Ivana Horbec, Maja Matasović i Branko Ostajmer, a kao autori zastupljeni su i Simonetta Polenghi, Valentina Chierichetti, Magdolna Rébay, Rudolf Barišić, Manuela-Claire Warscher, Zrinko Novosel, Marijana Kokanović Marković, Dinko Župan, Guido van Hengel, Olga Khavanova, Vlasta Švoger, Rupert Klieber, Teodora Shek Brnardić, Željko Oset i Tihana Luetić.

Iz uvodnog rada: 

This collection of papers approaches the (proto-)modern school system in various parts of the Monarchy. It places the bottom-up perspective of the school system at the centre of research interest. We believe that such a change in perspective complements research focused on the political aspects of education. It facilitates better understanding of the actual scope of educational reforms in different political, economic and cultural environments, social expectations from educational strategies, or challenges faced by end users of the system. From the papers presented at the conference, the editors of these proceedings have primarily selected contributions that concern education and the school system from the perspective of students and teachers, and through the prism of two methodological-epistemological turns, i.e. cultural and spatial turn. The papers published here are based on the study of various sources that complemented official documents on educational policies: memoires, diaries, correspondence, (published) treatises, discussions, school memorials, etc. They demonstrate how the (intense) educational reforms were perceived by individuals who were closely involved in the process of their implementation, and touch upon various cultural and anthropological aspects of education – mobility, learning, leisure time; students’ memoirs, diaries, correspondence, symbolic power and school rituals; discipline; students’ and school premises; the shaping of students’ subjectivity and identity (gender, social, ethnic, etc.); institutional hierarchy and school ceremonies; students’ emotions, illnesses and hygiene


Being a Student in the Habsburg Monarchy

edited by Ivana Horbec, Maja Matasović and Branko Ostajmer

11 Ivana Horbec, Maja Matasović and Branko Ostajmer: Being a Student in the Habsburg Monarchy. Introduction

Towards the modernisation of school system: students’ perspective

21 Ivana Horbec, Maja Matasović: Sola praxis format hominem? Ideals and criticism of the system of higher learning in the 18th century Kingdom of Hungary

41 Valentina Chierichetti, Simonetta Polenghi: Learning in ginnasio and liceo in Habsburg Milan (1814- 1859)

69 Magdolna Éva Rébay: School in the eyes of Hungarian high nobility. The counts Széchényi (1867-1918)

91 Rudolf Barišić: Education interrupted: reasons why clerics in Bosna Srebrena discontinued their studies

113 Manuela-Claire Warscher: «… we do not need educated farmers». Rural education in Istria 1850-1914

Personal maturation through learning

127 Zrinko Novosel: Upbringing and early education in the selected 19th Century Croatian memoirs

139 Marijana Kokanović Marković: Young ladies at the piano. The role of music in the upbringing and education of girls in Novi Sad in the Nineteenth Century

151 Dinko Župan: How to turn female students into good mothers, wives and housewives. The construction of female identity in pedagogical discourses in Croatia in the second half of the 19th Century

169 Guido van Hengel: Claiming adolescent spaces: education and power in AustroHungarian Bosnia and Hercegovina

Peregrinatio academica

191 Olga Khavanova: Mediocre pupils – informative letters? Hungarian nobleman István Dessewffy at Vienna Theresianum in the 1750s

207 Vlasta Švoger: Students from the small country in the big city: Croatians studying in Vienna in the nineteenth Century

225 Rupert Klieber: Croatian clerics studying at the Frintaneum Imperial Institute and the University of Vienna 1816 to 1918

Students’ Life

245 Teodora Shek Brnardić: The everyday life of cadets at the Wiener Neustadt Military Academy, as portrayed in the paintings of Bernhard Albrecht (1785-1793)

273 Željko Oset: Socializing of Slovene students at Austrian universities from the March Revolution to World War I

287 Tihana Luetić: Students’ magazines at the beginning of the 20th Century in Zagreb

Sažeci radova

