A Prize Contest: Applying History to Clarify the COVID-19 Challenge

Na natječaju Stanton Foundation posebno su nagrađeni članak “Emperor Joseph’s Solution to Coronavirus” (A. Wess Mitchell i Charles Ingrao) i “Disease and Diplomacy in the 19th Century” (Andrew Ehrhardt).


Best January 1 – June 30, 2020

A. Wess Mitchell and Charles Ingrao, “Emperor Joseph’s Solution to Coronavirus” The Wall Street Journal, 4/6/2020

The Foundation determined that this article best achieves the aims of the contest by providing an excellent illustration of how “Historians …play an important role by providing context, in this case shedding light on the history of pandemics and the utility of that history to policy formation and public culture.”* The authors draw lessons for crisis management, epidemiology, and international politics from an analysis of the Habsburg-Ottoman border that they call “one of the most successful quarantine systems ever created,” and present their research in a lively and accessible form.

Best Overall of the Contest

Andrew Ehrhardt, “Disease and Diplomacy in the 19th Century”, War on the Rocks, 4/30/20

The Selection Committee’s recommendation noted, ‘of all the articles in the contest, this offers the most original analysis of a specific historical analogy and best applies it to the present moment.’


