Online – Brown Bag: Nikolina Židek “The Croatian post- Second World War diaspora in Argentina: between memory and history

After their defeat in the Second World War, tens of thousands of Croats—including civilians, soldiers, and the leadership of the Nazi-aligned Independent State of Croatia (NDH)—fled Croatia and found refuge and established new communities throughout the western world. Argentina was one of the main destinations, where the uprooting from the territory of origin -inherent to all diaspora communities- has been elaborated among émigrés and their descendants through a collective memory, built and transmitted from one generation to another through an active political and community life, the family, the Croatian Catholic Centre and school, focusing primarily on victim and nationalist, but also on anti-communist and anti-Yugoslav identity. This presentation will show some of the research results related to the tools of intergenerational transmission of memory among the Croatian post- Second World War diaspora in Argentina.

Time: Jun 16, 2020 01:00 PM Vienna
