Predstavljanje knjige Steve Đuraškovića “The Politics of History in Croatia and Slovakia in the 1990s”
Fakultet političkih znanosti u Zagrebu
Petak, 15. travnja, dvorana A, s početkom u 19 sati
Predstavljanje knjige Steve Đuraškovića The Politics of History in Croatia and Slovakia in the 1990s u izdanju nakladničke kuće Srednja Europa.
O knjizi govore:
•dr. sc. Stevo Đurašković (FPZG), autor
•prof. dr. sc. Damir Agičić (FFZG), direktor nakladničke kuće Srednja Europa
•prof. dr. sc. Tihomir Cipek (FPZG)
•doc. dr. sc. Davor Pauković (UNIDU)
•moderator: dr. sc. Višeslav Raos (FPZG)
Stevo Đurašković, The Politics of History in Croatia and Slovakia in the 1990s
Knjiga Politike povijesti u Hrvatskoj i Slovačkoj u 1990-ima Steve Đuraškovića, asistenta s Fakulteta političkih znanosti u Zagrebu, komparira uporabu povijesti u politici i nacionalno-identitetske narative koje su Hrvatska demokratska zajednica Franje Tuđmana u Hrvatskoj te Narodna stranka – Pokret za demokratsku Slovačku Vladimira Mečiara u Slovačkoj koristili kako bi osvojili i legitimirali vlast.
Hrvatska i Slovačka prikazuju vrlo slične povijesne trendove razvoja nacionalnih identiteta: obje su u ranom srednjem vijeku imale samostalne državne tvorevine te su bile dio Ugarskog kraljevstva odnosno kasnije Habsburške monarhije. Moderni nacionalno-integracijski procesi u obje zemlje bili su presudno formirani idejama jugoslavizma i čehoslovakizma te paralelnim idejama hrvatske i slovačke nacije. Nasljeđe Drugog svjetskog rata opterećivalo je presudno slovački i hrvatski nacionalni identitet u komunističkoj Čehoslovačkoj te u SFRJ. Političke elite vodećih nacija Srba i Čeha izražavale su protivljenje osamostaljenju Hrvatske i Slovačke tijekom procesa raspada dviju komunističkih federacija. Zbog opisanog povijesnog nasljeđa povijest postaje moćno legitimacijsko oružje tijekom procesa osamostaljenja Hrvatske i Slovačke.
Knjiga razvija obuhvatni model analize povezanosti između povijesnog nasljeđa, kolektivnog pamćenja i politika (povijesti) na primjeru komparacije Hrvatske i Slovačke u 1990-ima. Time nudi osnovu za daljnja istraživanja koja bi objasnila vezu između povijesnog nasljeđa, uporabe politika povijesti i demokratske konsolidacije država nastalih raspadom komunističkih federacija Jugoslavije, Čehoslovačke i Sovjetskog Saveza.
(Iz Sažetka)
The Politics of History in Croatia and Slovakia in the 1990s
From the book summary: This book compares the politics of history and the national identity-building ideologies used by the ruling parties in Croatia and Slovakia in the 1990s. Drawing upon various sources, The Politics of History in Croatia and Slovakia in the 1990s shows that the Croatian Democratic Union (HDZ) led by Franjo Tuðman and the Movement for Democratic Slovakia (HZDS) led by Vládimir Meèiar gained and maintained power by convincing the electorate that they were the best state-creating agents and, hence, the “saviors of the nation”, which could protect their nations against the resentment that was exercised by the “senior” partners – the Serbs and the Czechs – towards the respective Croats’ and Slovaks’ claims for sovereignty. Both parties conceptualized themselves in an anti-civic fashion as all-embracing national movements that would bring about the reconciliation of the historically fractioned nations by embodying the synthesis of the entire nations’ historical statehood-building legacies. These similarities of the politics of history and similar patterns of historical legacies were characterized by the “junior” partner roles the two nations had in Yugoslavia and Czechoslovakia respectively, as well by the traumatic legacies of the respective Croat and Slovak WWII Nazi satellite states; while the differences stem from the more traumatic Croatian twentieth-century legacy in comparison with Slovakia’s. Exposing the operation of the politics of history in the political legitimizing processes as well as in the transfer of the politics of history into the various policies of history – including national symbols, commemoration policies, public spaces, as well policies of transitional justice – this is the first full-length study on the nexus between history/memory and the political power with respect to the Croat and Slovak nations’ historical legacies as well as to the contexts of Yugoslavia’s and Czechoslovakia’s respective dissolution processes.
Acknowledgments …….
Introduction ….
Chapter I: Slovak and Croat National Identity-Building Processes up to 1990
Slovakia: From the Clerical to the Communist National Identity- Building Master Narrative …….
– The Slovak National Identity-Building Process up to 1968 …
– The Communist-Nationalist Identity Building Narrative 1968-1989 …
Croatia: The Longue Durée Cleavage Yugoslavism & (Exclusive) Croatism ..
– The Croatian National Identity-Building Process up to World War II …
– Identity and Trauma in Socialist Yugoslavia …
– Franjo Tuðman’s National-Political Thought …
Conclusions ….
Chapter II: Politics of History and Power in Slovakia and Croatia in the 1990s ….
Politics of History in Slovakia in the 1990s …
– “Meèiarism” as Continuance of “Husakism”:The HZDS’ Rise to Power 1989-1992 …
– “Preservation of the Past within the Present”: The HZDS in Power 1992-1998 …
Politics of History in Croatia in the 1990s …
– Forging the All-Embracing National Movement: HDZ’s Rise to Power 1990-1992 …
– Trying to Maintain National Reconciliation: HDZ in Power 1992-2000 …
Conclusions ….
Chapter III: Policies of History in Slovakia and Croatia in the 1990s …
Vergangensheitbewältigung Hindered by National Reconciliation …
– Slovakia: Preservation of the Past within the Present by Omitting Lustration …
– Croatia: Reconciling the Nation with Homeland War Policies …
Polices of Memory: Symbols, Ceremonies, Sites, Textbooks …
– Slovakia: Forging the Plebeian Myth by Blending Christianity and Slovak Socialist Patriotism …
– Croatia: Suppressing “The Positive Tradition of the Croatian Left” by Mixing the Bones of the Fallen…
Conclusions …
Literature and Sources …..
Index …