Workshop “Visual Representations of Femininities and Masculinities: The Balkans and South Caucasus in the Digital Age” (University of Graz, 12–13 March 2020)

After decades of turbulent transitions of gender relations, gender roles in the Balkans and in South Caucasia have become more stable compared to two or three decades ago. After a period of “re-traditionalisation”, a turn towards more balanced gender relations and increasing acceptance of LGBT people has become discernible. Not only gender roles and relations are being renegotiated, but also femininities and masculinities.


The construction of idealised femininities and masculinities is strongly associated with their ideal visual representations on TV, in popular magazines and all kinds of advertisements, with commercial exploitation, religious morals, global trends and more. Do such images have the power to eventually become social reality? Or have they already become social reality?


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