History in the Public Sphere – Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree

History in the Public Sphere (HIPS) is a 120 ECTS EMJMD program offered by the Department of History, Central European University, the Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, the School of Social Sciences and Humanities, New University Lisbon, the Department of History, Archeology, Geography, Arts and Performing Arts, University of Florence (Consortium Partners) and Institut National des Langues et Civilisations Orientales, Paris (Associated Partner).

Students spend the first semester in Vienna, followed by a January workshop in Budapest, second semester in Tokyo, and third, semesters in Florence or Lisbon, and fourth semester in Vienna, Florence, Lisbon, Tokyo or Paris. Successful graduates are awarded a Multiple Degree from CEU, TUFS, and UniFI or NOVA.

Its pedagogical program is unique in bringing together rigorous, source-based scholarship and civic engagement with history in order to prepare future historians and educators for careers in the influential profession of translating and disseminating historical knowledge through archives, museums, journalism, broadcasting, and digital communication.

HIPS combines in-depth methodological and theoretical training in comparative history with hands-on experience with practices of bringing historical knowledge to the public sphere, for instance, by historically informed journalism, documentary film-making, or curating exhibitions. The program lays special emphasis on developing skills and social competences through study trips, practitioner workshops, and internships, which enable graduates to work with non-experts and civic actors in the process of disseminating historical knowledge. Students also receive research training and develop individually either a Thesis or a Capstone Project.

HIPS is built around four main themes which address issues that have moved to the forefront of historical academic training in the recent past, having important cultural and political inferences.

1) History and the institutionalization of memory examines the role played by museums and archives in shaping historical knowledge, including the ways in which institutions of memory are used for the purposes of historical revisionism, and explores the impact these institutions have on the present.

2) Visual representations and medialization of history offers an inter-disciplinary take on the ways historical narratives have been visualized in the past and provides skills to interpret and develop cutting-edge contemporary media representations from documentary cinema to video games.

3) Histories of inclusion and exclusion looks at the socio-cultural, legal and political aspects of gender-based, religious, ethnic, economic, social and other forms of discrimination and violence, and explores ways of negotiating diversity and organizing socio-culturally heterogeneous societies.

4) Entanglement between national, regional, and global frameworks of history offers rigorous methodological training for students  to organize their knowledge and research project in a transnational, comparative perspective.

HIPS is co-funded for the 2019-2025 period through a partnership between Erasmus Mundus and the Inter-University Exchange Project (IUEP) of the Japanese Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT).


Application deadline for the Academic Year 2020-2021 will be announced soon.




