Zbornik radova „Women’s Education in Southern Europe: Historical Perspectives (19th–20th centuries)“

U zborniku radova „Women’s Education in Southern Europe: Historical Perspectives (19th–20th centuries)“ objavljen je rad Dinka Župana “The position of female teachers in the educational system of Croatia (1868-1919)”.



Projekt “Od protomodernizacije do modernizacije školstva u Hrvatskoj”


Dinko Župan, “The position of female teachers in the educational system of Croatia”


S ponosom objavljujemo da je naš kolega dr. Dinko Župan objavio rad pod naslovom “The position of female teachers in the educational system of Croatia (1868-1919)” u zborniku radova Women’s Education in Southern Europe Historical Perspectives (19th–20th centuries). Volume III, ur. Antonella Cagnolati Antonio Francisco Canales Serrano (Aracne, 2019.)

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