Approaching the history of South-East Europe from the perspective of “Time, spaces, trajectories”

Na Europskom sveučilišnom institutu (EUI) u Firenci Nathalie Clayer održat će 2. listopada 2019. godine predavanje o svom pristupu povijesti Jugoistočne Europe.


Inaugural Lecture by Nathalie Clayer on 2 October 2019


Returning to my research itinerary and more particularly to its last ten years, a triple prism has gradually imposed itself on me, crossing times, spaces and trajectories. For the late modern and contemporary periods, this triple prism makes it possible to examine socio-political processes with, beyond and below the State, according to the travelling method, to borrow a term from the world of cinema: “a movement of the camera during the shooting, one of the uses of which is to follow a subject in parallel with its movement, another to approach or move away from the subject, to bypass it and possibly to reveal new aspects”.


