Second Convention of the International Association for Comparative Fascist Studies: Fascism and Violence, 25–27 September 2019

Na drugoj konferenciji međunarodnog udruženja za komparativne studije fašizma koja je održana 25-27. rujna 2019. na Sveučilištu u Uppsali sudjelovali su, među ostalim, Tomislav Dulić, Constantin Iordachi, Goran Miljan, Lovro Kralj, Nikolina Židek, Vjeran Pavlaković, Marco Bresciani, Matko Globačnik, Mate Nikola Tokić, Jurica Barić, Rastko Lompar.



Second Convention of the International Association for Comparative Fascist Studies: Fascism and Violence, 25–27 September 2019


Violence has always played a central role in fascist ideology and political practices, either as a means by which to overthrow governments, or to achieve national rebirth and cleansing through the physical removal or annihilation of political enemies. Yet there were huge differences concerning the dynamics and magnitude of violence depending on the political context in which fascists came to power and ruled. Violence has moreover had a considerable impact on the way in which fascism is understood and framed in present-day societies, ranging from the type of mystic depictions that portray violence as a legitimate means of national defence, to the efforts to downplay the role of fascism in order to depict fascists as defenders of the nation and tradition against the onslaught of communism.

The conference Fascism and Violence aims for a comprehensive and interdisciplinary discussion about the intricate but largely underresearched relationship between fascism and violence. During the three-day conference, experts from the fields of fascist and genocide studies will discuss the ideology and practice of fascist violence, but also its legacies in present-day societies. The conference will be arranged in cooperation with the International Association for Comparative Fascist Studies, and draw upon the recent “transnational turn” in fascist studies and the comparative perspectives that have dominated the field of genocide studies for three decades in order to bring the two fields together.​ This will be achieved by focusing on the following three themes of relevance for scholars from all subject fields:


  • The role of violence in fascist ideology
  • Political practice and violent interactions
  • Post-WWII legacies of fascist violence


The Convention is co-organized by the Hugo Valentin Centre (, as hosting institution, and Pasts Inc, Center for Historical Studies, Central European University, Budapest ( Conveners are Tomislav Dulić (HVC) and Constantin Iordachi (CEU).




