Pieter M. Judson, “‘What the Habsburg Empire got Right’ and Why it Matters”

Na Europskom sveučilišnom institutu (EUI) u Firenci Pieter M. Judson održao je u srijedu, 25. rujna 2019. predavanje o Habsburškom Carstvu u kojem je umjesto negativnih ocjena o “tamnici naroda” isticao pozitivno nasljeđe te multinacionalne države i postavio pitanje njezinih jakih strana, ali i razloga propasti kao potencijalno važnih lekcija za Europsku uniju danas.



Launch of the Schuman Centre’s Seminar Series: The Yves Mény Annual Lecture “‘What the Habsburg Empire got Right’ and Why it Matters”


Dates: Wed 25 Sep 2019 16.00 – 17.30


A century ago the Treaties of St. Germain en Laye and Trianon officially ratified the break-up of Austria-Hungary and the distribution of its territories among several successor states. The Treaties also laid the basis for the ways the Habsburg Monarchy would subsequently be remembered by Europeans, largely as a “prison of peoples” and a “feudal anachronism.” In this lecture I go beyond these common nationalist tropes to examine other possible legacies of Europe’s most multi-national state, its institutional innovations, its particular strengths, and the reasons for its ultimate downfall. Are there lessons to be learned for today’s European Union?


Professor Pieter M. Judson delivers this year’s Yves Mény Lecture to kick off the Schuman Centre’s Seminar Series.


Chair: Brigid Laffan

Location: Sala Europa, Villa Schifanoia

Affiliation: Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies

Type: Seminar series

Organiser: Prof. David Levine (Washington University in St. Louis & EUI) Prof. Philipp Genschel (RSCAS, EUI)

Speaker: Pieter M. Judson (EUI – Department of History and Civilization)



