Redakcija časopisa studenata povijesti „Pro tempore“ raspisuje natječaj za objavu radova u 15. broju časopisa za akademsku godinu 2019./2020. Teme na koje zainteresirani autori mogu poslati svoje radove su Nasilje i identiteti – povijest marginaliziranih i Religija/Kultura.
Cilj je časopisa studenata povijesti Filozofskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu „Pro tempore“, koji izlazi od 2004. godine, studentima preddiplomskoga, diplomskog i doktorskog studija povijesti i srodnih društveno-humanističkih znanosti iz Hrvatske i inozemstva omogućiti objavu vlastitih radova na zadane teme, kao i stjecanje iskustva u samom radu redakcije časopisa i procesu odabira i kritičke evaluacije radova za objavu. Uz to, odabirom tema i objavljivanjem novih radova nastoje se proširiti saznanja o određenim temama iz prošlosti te pridonijeti upoznavanju i autora i čitatelja s novim historiografskim trendovima.
Sukladno temama ovoga broja, redakcija očekuje radove koji se bave međuodnosom nasilja i identiteta u bilo kojem od odabranih povijesnih razdoblja, s posebnim naglaskom na manjinske i marginalizirane društvene skupine. No, kako bismo proširili poddisciplinski spektar mogućih radova, odabrali smo i dodatnu temu posvećenu religiji i kulturi. U odabiru tema svojih radova autori pritom mogu izabrati hoće li se baviti samo jednim od spomenutih fenomena ili će ih u svojim tekstovima i na odabranim primjerima nastojati povezati. Važno je stoga naglasiti kako će se zaprimati radovi koji na razne načine obrađuju odabrane teme 15. broja te se autori stoga pozivaju da im, osim iz političke i kulturne, pokušaju pristupiti i iz drugih perspektiva, poput ekonomske, imagološke, intelektualne, antropološke itd. šireći time i vlastite obzore te nastojeći ponuditi i drugačije poglede na bavljenje spomenutim temama. Iako je nužno da radovi budu vezani za odabrane teme, sukladno kvaliteti tolerirat će se i određeni broj radova koji se na njih direktno ne referiraju.
Redakcija „Pro tempore“ zaprimat će sve vrste znanstvenih radova te prikaze knjiga, prijevode radova stranih povjesničara, intervjue i izvještaje s relevantnih znanstvenih skupova. Pristigli radovi bit će podvrgnuti procesu selekcije i kritičke obrade u uredništvu časopisa te potom proslijeđeni profesorima na recenziju, nakon čega će autori dobiti obavijest je li njihov rad prihvaćen.
Poslani radovi mogu imati najviše dva autora, a zaprimaju se samo dotad neobjavljeni radovi, slanjem kojih autori potvrđuju da se radi o njihovom vlastitom radu za koji prihvaćaju znanstvenu i etičku odgovornost. Svi radovi šalju se u formatu Microsoft Word dokumenta (.doc ili .docx) elektroničkom poštom na adresu uredništva: najkasnije do 21. prosinca 2019. godine.
Radovi se zaprimaju na hrvatskom (ili srodnim jezicima) i engleskom jeziku, pisani na latinici. Pisani radovi mogu biti opsega od otprilike 15 do otprilike 35 kartica teksta. Tekst treba biti obostrano poravnat, fonta Times New Roman veličine 12 te s proredom od 1,5. Ime i prezime autora, godina, smjer studija i sveučilište koje pohađaju, navode se na prvoj stranici rada u gornjem lijevom kutu. Također, svaki rad treba sadržavati i sažetak od otprilike 100 riječi s izdvojenim ključnim pojmovima te biti opremljen znanstvenim aparatom. Znanstvene bilješke pišu se na dnu stranice prema pravilima Chicago stila, numeričkim slijedom i odijeljene razdjelnikom od glavnog teksta. Odabrani font treba biti Times New Roman veličine 10, jednostrukog proreda te obostrano poravnat. Na kraju rada obavezna je bibliografija, također prema pravilima Chicago stila.
Radujemo se Vašoj suradnji!
The editorial board of the students of history journal Pro Tempore is issuing a call for the publication of papers in the new 15th issue of the journal, scheduled to be published in the academic year 2019/20. The topics of the issue are “Violence and Identities – History of Marginalized” and “Religion/Culture”.
Since its first issue in 2004, the goal of Pro Tempore, the student journal of the Department of History at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in Zagreb, is to offer students of undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate programmes of history and corresponding studies in humanities and social sciences from Croatia or abroad to publish their papers on certain topics, as well as to enable them to gain experience in the editorial phase of publishing a journal, as well as the process of critical evaluation and choosing which works to publish. Furthermore, by choosing topics and publishing new works, the goal of the journal is to expand knowledge on certain topics from the past as well as to contribute to better understanding of new trends in historiography.
In accordance with the topic of the issue, the editorial board is awaiting works which deal with the relationship between violence and identity in any of the historical periods, with special focus on minorities and marginalized social groups. However, in order to expand the subject area of possible works, we have chosen to include an additional topic dedicated to religion and/or culture. When choosing the topic of the works, the authors can choose whether they want to focus on only one of the topics or they are going to try to connect them in their works and on certain examples. It is important to emphasize that works which deal with aforementioned topics in different ways are especially welcome, so we call upon authors to, besides political and cultural, try to explore the topics from different perspectives, like economical, imagological, intellectual, anthropological etc. By doing so, they are also expanding their own horizons and trying to offer different views on the above mentioned topics. Even though it is necessary that the works are related to the chosen topics, depending on the quality a certain number of works which are not directly associated with them will be accepted.
The editorial board will accept all kinds of scientific papers as well as reviews of books, translations of works of foreign historians, interviews and reports from relevant scientific conferences. All submitted papers will be critically examined and will undergo a selection process from the editorial board after which they will be sent to the professors at the Department of History for proofreading. After this, the authors will be notified if their work is accepted or not.
All works can have two authors at most, and only previously unpublished will be accepted. By submitting the paper, author guarantees its authenticity and accepts any scientific and ethical responsibility. All papers are to be sent in Microsoft Word format (.doc or .docx), via e-mail, to the editorial address: The deadline for submission is December 21st 2019.
The papers can be in Croatian or related languages, as well as in English. All papers must be written using the Latin alphabet. Submitted papers should be no shorter than 10, and no longer than 25 pages long. Please note that we require all papers to be submitted in the Chicago Manual of Style format (typeface set to Times New Roman, font size set to 12 pt., spacing set to 1.5, alignment set to justified). Name of the author, year, study programme and name of the university they attend should be provided in the upper left corner of the paper’s title page. All papers need to include an approximately 100-word summary, key words and scientific notes written according to certain rules – the notes must be written at the foot of each page according to the Chicago Manual of Style, arranged in a numerical order, separated from the main text and justified. The obligatory notes font is Times New Roman size 10, single spaced and separated from the rest of the text. Bibliography must be listed at the end of the paper, formatted according to the Chicago manual of style.
We are looking forward to working with you!
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