Anticorruption in History: From Antiquity to the Modern Era. Edited by Ronald Kroeze, Andre Vitoria, and Guy Geltner

Osim u frustraciju ili protest, povjesničari promatranje političke korupcije u Hrvatskoj mogu pretvoriti i u temu svog stručnog bavljenja. Upućujemo stoga – osim primjerice na hrvatsko izdanje knjige Kratka povijest korupcije: od staroga vijeka do naših dana iz 2007. ili knjigu An Intellectual History of Political Corruption iz 2014. – i na recentni zbornik Anticorruption in History: From Antiquity to the Modern Era iz 2018. godine za poticaj i inspiraciju. Na kraju prilogu upućujemo i na zbornik “Suzbijanje korupcije u Hrvatskoj u srednjem vijeku”.
Anticorruption in History
From Antiquity to the Modern Era
Edited by Ronald Kroeze, Andre Vitoria, and Guy Geltner
Oxford University Press
– Offers the first long-term historical overview of corruption and anticorruption in Europe
– Discusses corruption and anti-corruption in wide-ranging historical contexts: Ancient Greece and Rome, Medieval Eurasia, Italy, France, Great Britain and Portugal as well as studies on anticorruption in the Early Modern and Modern era in Romania, the Ottoman Empire, the Netherlands, Germany, Denmark, Sweden and the former German Democratic Republic.
– Provides a critical assessment of dominant narratives about corruption in different scholarly disciplines, as well as those voiced in popular media or by politicians
– Tests and discusses effective approaches to the study of corruption and anticorruption in different historical and geographical contexts
Anticorruption in History is a timely and urgent book: corruption is widely seen today as a major problem we face as a global society, undermining trust in government and financial institutions, economic efficiency, the principle of equality before the law and human wellbeing in general. Corruption, in short, is a major hurdle on the “path to Denmark” a feted blueprint for stable and successful statebuilding. The resonance of this view explains why efforts to promote anticorruption policies have proliferated in recent years. But while the subject of corruption and anticorruption has captured the attention of politicians, scholars, NGOs and the global media, scant attention has been paid to the link between corruption and the change of anticorruption policies over time and place, with the attendant diversity in how to define, identify and address corruption.
Economists, political scientists and policy-makers in particular have been generally content with tracing the differences between low-corruption and high-corruption countries in the present and enshrining them in all manner of rankings and indices. The long-term trends & social, political, economic, cultural; potentially undergirding the position of various countries plays a very small role. Such a historical approach could help explain major moments of change in the past as well as reasons for the success and failure of specific anticorruption policies and their relation to a country’s image (of itself or as construed from outside) as being more or less corrupt. It is precisely this scholarly lacuna that the present volume intends to begin to fill.
The book addresses a wide range of historical contexts: Ancient Greece and Rome, Medieval Eurasia, Italy, France, Great Britain and Portugal as well as studies on anticorruption in the Early Modern and Modern era in Romania, the Ottoman Empire, the Netherlands, Germany, Denmark, Sweden and the former German Democratic Republic.
Table of Contents
Introduction: Debating Corruption and Anticorruption in History, Ronald Kroeze, Andre Vitoria and G. Geltner
I – Antiquity
1. Corruption and Anticorruption in Democratic Athens, Claire Taylor
2. Fighting Corruption: Political Thought and Practice in the Late Roman Republic, Valentina Arena
3. The Corrupting Sea: Law, Violence and Compulsory Professions in Late Antiquity, Sarah E. Bond
II – The Middle Ages
4. Fighting Corruption between Theory and Practice: The Land of the Euphrates and Tigris, Ninth to Eleventh Centuries, Maaike van Berkel
5. Late Medieval Polities and the Problem of Corruption: France, England and Portugal, 1250-1500, Andre Vitoria
6. The Problem of the Personal: Tackling Corruption in Later Medieval England, 1250-1550, John Watts
7. Fighting Corruption in the Italian City-State: Perugian Officers’ End of Term Audit (sindacato) in the Fourteenth Century, G. Geltner
III – Early Modernity
8. G.W. Bernard
9. A Sick Body: Corruption and Anticorruption in Early Modern Spain, Francisco Andujar Castillo, Antonio Feros and Pilar Ponce Leiva
10. Corruption and Anticorruption in France from the 1670s to the 1780s: The Example of the Provincial Administration of Languedoc, Stephane Durand
IV – From Early Modern to Modern Times
11. Corruption and Anticorruption in the Era of Modernity and Beyond, Jens Ivo Engels
12. Anticorruption in Seventeenth- and Eighteenth-Century Britain, Mark Knights
13. Statebuilding, Establishing Rule of Law and Fighting Corruption in Denmark, 1660-1900, Mette Frisk Jensen
14. The Paradox of “A High Standard of Public Honesty”: A Long-Term Perspective on Dutch History, James Kennedy and Ronald Kroeze
15. Corruption and Anticorruption in the Romanian Principalities: Rules of Governance, Exceptions and Networks, Seventeenth to Nineteenth Century, Ovidiu Olar
16. Corruption and Anticorruption in Early-Nineteenth-Century Sweden: A Snapshot of the State of the Swedish Bureaucracy, Andreas Bagenholm
17. State, Family and Anticorruption Practices in the Late Ottoman Empire, Iris Agmon
V – Modern and Contemporary History
18. Corruption and the Ethical Standards of British Public Life: National Debates and Local Administration, 1880-1914, James Moore
19. Lockheed (1977) and Flick (1981-1986): Anticorruption as a Pragmatic Practice in the Netherlands and Germany, Ronald Kroeze
20. Corruption in an Anticorruption State? East Germany under Communist Rule, Andre Steiner
Afterword, Michael Johnston
Author Information
Ronald Kroeze is Assistant Professor in History at the Free University of Amsterdam and was a Postdoctoral Researcher and member of Anticorrp’s Work Package 2. He has published extensively on the history of corruption.
Andre Vitoria is a Postdoctoral Researcher and a member of Anticorrp’s Work Package 2. His PhD research focused on the impact of the Romano-canonical ius commune on the administration of justice, litigation and the relationship between different jurisdictions and political powers in medieval Portugal. He specializes in legal and political history in the high and late Middle Ages and is particularly interested in the intersection of juristic and publicistic thought and legal and political practice.
Guy Geltner is Professor of Medieval History and Director of the Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies at the University of Amsterdam. He has published widely on the history of Italian city-states in the later Middle Ages, especially on urban dis/order, as reflected in municipal approaches to punishment, dispute settlement, and public health.
Iris Agmon, Ben Gurion University of the Negev
Francisco Andújar Castillo, University of Almería
Valentina Arena, University College London
Andreas Bågenholm, University of Gothenburg and Anticorrp
Maaike van Berkel, Radboud University Nijmegen
G.W. Bernard, University of Southampton
Sarah E. Bond, University of Iowa
Stéphane Durand, Université d>’Avignon et des Pays de Vaucluse
Jens Ivo Engels, Technical University of Darmstadt
Antonio Feros, University of Pennsylvania
Mette Frisk Jensen, University of Aarhus and Anticorrp
G. Geltner, University of Amsterdam
Michael Johnston, Colgate University
James Kennedy, University College, Utrecht
Mark Knights, University of Warwick
Ronald Kroeze, Free University of Amsterdam
James Moore, University of Leicester
Ovidiu Olar, Institute of History of the Romanian Academy and Anticorrp
Pilar Ponce Leiva, Complutense University
André Steiner, University of Potsdam
Claire Taylor, University of WisconsinDSMadison
André Vitória, Anticorrp
John Watts, University of Oxford
Reviews and Awards
“the merit of a work that has managed to gather such a large number of specialists working on such different periods in history. All the more so when the result is a fresh perspective on the study of corruption.” — Pol Dalmau, European History Quarterly
“the analytical and conceptual rigour of the volume’s chapters is high. This book provides a profound and rich historical analysis of a topical problem.” — David De Ruysscher, BMGN – Low Countries Historical Review
“offers unique detail and insights … Highly recommended.” –CHOICE
Dodatna preporuka:
Suzbijanje korupcije u Hrvatskoj u srednjem vijeku (ur. Nina Ožegović i Zorislav Antun Petrović), Zagreb: Institut za kulturu i etiku, 2014.
Suzbijanje korupcije u Hrvatskoj u srednjem vijeku II (ur. Nina Ožegović i Zorislav Antun Petrović), Zagreb: Institut za kulturu i etiku, 2016.