The Present Is Not Enough: Performing Queer Histories and Futures

U Berlinu od 20. do 30. lipnja 2019. traje festival o queer povijesti/povijestima koji se održava povodom 50. godišnjice pobune u Stonewallu i 100. godišnjice osnivanja Instituta za seksologiju u Berlinu. Podsjećamo da je na hrvatski jezik 2011. prevedena knjiga Davida Cartera “Stonewall: Pobuna koja je rasplamsala gej revoluciju”.



The Present Is Not Enough – Performing Queer Histories and Futures. A festival by HAU Hebbel am Ufer. Funded by the German Federal Cultural Foundation.


2019 marks the 50th anniversary of the Stonewall uprising. In 1969 a group of people from New York’s LGBTIQ community took a stand against constant police raids, thereby triggering a new liberation movement and initiating the fight for legal and social rights in the USA. 2019 also marks the 100th anniversary of the Institute for Sexual Research, which was founded by the German theoretician Magnus Hirschfeld. Starting from these two major historical events, HAU Hebbel am Ufer presents an interdisciplinary festival focusing on the notion of queer temporality. The festival analyzes both political and artistic histories as a basis for the outline of future scenarios as well as the active shaping of a queer present.


Which narratives are still missing when we address queer history/histories? With this festival, HAU offers a contribution to the politics of memory by presenting artistic positions from diverse countries which have been underrepresented in mainstream discourse until now.


The present is not enough – as long as people outside of cis and heteronormative structures are still arrested, persecuted and killed. Queerness can be understood as a vision for the future. The time to come will be determined by its people and their actions, which are already showing today the potential for a queer future.


As part of the festival, HAU initiated an open call for artists based in Berlin, who were invited to submit proposals for the Manifestos for Queer Futures. 270 artists replied to the open call, and 26 were selected and will be presented on the stage of HAU2. The spectrum of projects covers a wide range, from works with cultural and socio-political references, active examinations of the past, to visions of a possible future.


The festival includes performances, theatre and dance pieces, concerts, installations, and an exhibition:



Schwules Museum in Berlin




A Change of Scenery 2.04: A Historical Overview of Gay and Lesbian Movements in Germany


Tapetenwechsel 2.04: Geschichte(n) von Lesben- und Schwulenbewegungen


5. April 2018 – 1. July 2019



David Carter


Stonewall: Pobuna koja je rasplamsala gej revoluciju


Nakladnik: Zagreb Pride

Prijevod: Mirza Beširović



