Panel Discussion: Frontier Societies

U sklopu međunarodne studentske konferencije “Anglophonia: New Frontiers” bit će održana u petak, 10. svibnja 2019. u 11 sati u Konferencijskoj dvorani Knjižnice Filozofskog fakulteta u Zagrebu rasprava “Frontier Societies”.



Panel Discussion: Frontier Societies


It’s an honour and a pleasure to invite you all to the panel discussion “Frontier Societies”, which will take place as part of this year’s Anglophonia: New Frontiers conference. The panel discussion will take place on Friday, 10 May, at 11 am in the Conference Hall at the faculty library.


The theme of the panel discussion will be frontier societies. The Oxford English Dictionary defines the term “frontier” as “the extreme limit of settled land beyond which lies wilderness, especially in reference to the western US before Pacific settlement“. Following a brief overview of how the frontier came to be defined, it can be inferred that the frontier as a concept does not refer to a physical reality, but rather to a “process”, and that it has the capacity to become a discursive construct. This issue has been addressed by numerous works of historical (meta)fiction that question the dominant narrative (or are even explicitly critical of it), which have garnered public attention and won critical acclaim over the past decades, and which will be discussed during the panel.


The panelists are:

Mark Metzler Sawin, PhD (Eastern Mennonite University)

Aritha Van Herk, PhD (University of Calgary)

Tihana Klepač, PhD (University of Zagreb)

Jason Hansen, PhD (Furman University)



Mark Metzler Sawin (Eastern Mennonite University)

attended Goshen College (Indiana) and then the University of Texas, in Austin, where he earned his MA and PhD in American Studies. He currently serves as professor of U.S. History at Eastern Mennonite University (EMU), a private university in Virginia. His publications mostly focus on the religious, literary and popular culture of antebellum America (1850s).


Aritha Van Herk (University of Calgary)

is a Canadian editor, critic and university professor. She studied Canadian literature and Creative Writing at the University of Alberta in Edmonton, graduating with an MA in 1978. Since 1983, van Herk has taught at the University of Calgary, and is currently teaching Creative Writing, Canadian Literature and Contemporary Narrative. She is also an award-winning writer and some of her most famous works include “Judith”, “The Tent Peg” and “No Fixed Address”.


Tihana Klepač (University of Zagreb)

is an assistant professor in the English Department at the University of Zagreb. Her obtained her PhD on the topic “Storykeepers: Australian Myth in the Works of Henry Lawson and Barbara Baynton”, and her research interests consist of 19th century Australian literature, women’s writing, life writing, and postcolonial theory. She teaches courses on early Australian literature, contemporary British drama, and contemporary women’s writing in English.


Jason Hansen (Furman University)

received his BA from Syracuse University (history, international relations) in 2000 and his PhD (history) from the University of Illinois in 2010. Since 2011 he has taught at Furman University in Greenville, South Carolina, becoming Associate Professor in 2016. Hansen specializes in the history of modern Germany and Europe, with interests in nationalism, the history of cartography and historical memory.


Total time: 75 minutes (60 minutes for the discussion, 15 minutes for questions).



Anglophonia: New Frontiers

International Student Conference in English Studies

Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences

University of Zagreb

May 9 – 11, 2019



