How – and Why – to Create a Theoretical Framework for Dissertational Theses

U Bochumu se 4. i 5. travnja 2019. održava radionica o tome zašto i kako oblikovati teorijsko-metodološki okvir doktorskog rada, što je ključno pitanje i za doktorande povijesti u Hrvatskoj.



Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Lehrstuhl für Osteuropäische Geschichte; Sari Autio-Sarasmo, Visiting International Professor, Aleksanteri-Institute Helsinki


04.04.2019 – 05.04.2019


The Idea of the Workshop


Theories and methodology are the backbone of every scientific work. However, it can be difficult at times to find the theories and approaches that meet our demands in research. Can theories of modernization really help to understand historical processes? Is discourse analysis helpful in the case at hand? Doctoral researchers should be aware of theories and methodologies that enhance their ongoing projects. But they should also dare to develop their own ideas regarding existing models and theories. So the workshop has three goals: helping to understand and implement theories into one’s own research, but also to enhance these theories if necessary.


In this workshop we are going to discuss dissertational projects with a special focus on theories and methods. In order to deepen the discussion, papers will have to be delivered in advance (deadline March 1, 2019). The workshop participants will present their project in 10 minutes, afterwards every participant has to comment one of the others before we come to an open discussion, supporting the researcher in developing the theoretical framework of his research project.


So this is the structure of a paper presentation:

10 minutes: presentation of the project

5 minutes comment by another participant

30 minutes open discussion


The workshop will be held by Ruhr University’s Visiting International Professor Sari Autio-Sarasmo, Aleksanteri-Institute, University of Helsinki, Finland. She is specialized on Cold War studies from the point of view of the Soviet Union and economic history and has contributed to the new Cold War studies by introducing the approach of multilevel interaction. Sari Autio-Sarasmo has a long experience in supervising Ph.D. theses as well as commenting and evaluating multidisciplinary research in humanities and social sciences. Her recent research focus is on the Soviet scientific-technical cooperation with the West during the Cold War and the economic modernization of the Soviet economy in 1955-1991.



