The New York Times: Students in Rural America Ask, ‘What Is a University Without a History Major?’

U nastavku upućujemo na članak iz New York Timesa koji govori o krizi javnih sveučilišta u ruralnoj Americi koja razmatraju ukidanje određenih studijskih programa poput povijesti, francuskog, njemačkog…



Students in Rural America Ask, ‘What Is a University Without a History Major?’


The University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point, facing declining enrollment and revenue, is weighing major changes to its degree programs.


The New York Times


By Mitch Smith


Jan. 12, 2019


STEVENS POINT, Wis. — Chancellor Bernie Patterson’s message to his campus was blunt: To remain solvent and relevant, his 125-year-old university needed to reinvent itself.


Some longstanding liberal arts degrees, including those in history, French and German, would be eliminated. Career-focused programs would become a key investment. Tenured faculty members could lose their jobs. The University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point, Dr. Patterson explained in a memo, could “no longer be all things to all people.”


