Secular Power and Sacral Authority in Medieval East-Central Europe. Edited by Kosana Jovanović and Suzana Miljan

Izdavač Amsterdam University Press objavio je u veljači 2018. godine zbornik “Secular Power and Sacral Authority in Medieval East-Central Europe” koji su uredile povjesničarke Kosana Jovanović (Rijeka) i Suzana Miljan (Zagreb).
Kosana Jovanovic, Suzana Miljan (eds)
Secular Power and Sacral Authority in Medieval East-Central Europe
This book brings together a team of scholars representing a broad range of interests and new approaches in medieval studies to explore the interactions of secular power and sacral authority in central and southeastern Europe in the period. Contributors present new research on the region’s political and legal history, nobility and government institutions, war and diplomacy, literature and literacy, sacred and secular art, archaeological research, heritage studies, and much more.
Kosana Jovanovic
Kosana Jovanovic lectures medieval history at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences of the University of Rijeka, Rijeka, Croatia.
Suzana Miljan
Dr. Miljan Suzana, Department of Historical Research of IHSS of Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts Zagreb, Croatia.
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