MONTENEGRIN JOURNAL FOR SOCIAL SCIENCES announces a call for papers for the second issue of the MJSS in 2018.

Papers should be sent by e-mail no later than October 1, 2018.


Montenegrin Journal for Social Sciences (MJSS) is a scientific journal which publishes results of research in the field of social sciences and humanities. MJSS encourages historical research and comparative approaches of international relations, political economy and geo-political/geo-strategic views on the Montenegro and Southeastern Europe. Additionally MJSS constructs an academic forum to bring together disparate scholarly perspectives and publishes research on the fields of history, geopolitics, political science, sociology, law, economics, demographics and other multidisciplinary areas. Journal will be providing scientific support to all social and humanistic research in the area of Montenegro and Southeastern Europe, including comparative analyses and theoretical issues with implications for other world areas. The journal publishes the following categories article: original scientific paper, review, presentation at the scientific conference.




Montenegrin Journal for Social Sciences is indexed in: CEOL-Central and Eastern European Online; Google Scholar; Index Copernicus; CiteFactor; Scientific Indexing Services (SIS); ISRA-Journal impact factor; Electronic Journals Library; ROAD; General Impact Factor; OAJI – Open Academic Journals Index.



Instructions to authors for the preparation of the article you can find on the website:



All additional information can be found on the site:



