Public History Summer School – University of Wrocław (Poland), 2-5 July 2018

Na Sveučilištu u Wroclawu održana je od 2. do 5. srpnja 2018. godine ljetna škola iz javne povijesti.



The Historical Institute of the University of Wroclaw (Poland), the International Federation for Public History, Jean Monnet Network for Applied European Contemporary History and Zajezdnia History Centre invite students and PhD candidates to participate in Public History Summer School to be held in Wrocław, 2-5 July 2018.


The Historical Institute (HI UWr) constitutes a major centre for public history studies and offers a unique MA program taught in English.


If you are interested in how history functions in the public sphere, the summer school will give you an opportunity to broaden your interests and enrich your methodology. The event will combine lectures and debates concerning methodology and specific case studies by scholars from the HI UWr and invited guests from other universities, as well as presentations of students’ own research projects.


We strongly encourage graduate and postgraduate students from all universities in Poland and other countries to apply and deliver their papers in English. The research projects may concern:

  • Historical narratives
  • History & politics
  • History & memory
  • E-history
  • Digital humanities
  • Oral history
  • Visual history
  • History of education
  • Historical journalism
  • Popularization of history
  • History & media
  • History-related games


During the summer school, you will have an opportunity to meet students of the UWr, visit the old city of Wrocław and Zajezdnia History Centre (a recently opened museum devoted to the post-war history of the city). Furthermore, you will be given more information regarding pursuing MA in Public History at the University of Wrocław.


The summer school is organised within the framework of the International Conference Studying Public History – Methods, Difficulties, Perspectives.



The opening keynote lecture entitled


Internationalizing Public History


will be given by the President the International Federation for Public History


Prof. Thomas Cauvin (Colorado State University)



Climbing out of the ivory tower, jumping into society: some thoughts on public history


Written by

Fabio Spirinelli



Published on

12 July 2018


From 2 to 5 July 2018, I had the pleasure to participate in the Public History Summer School in Wroclaw (Poland). Not only was it an enriching experience for me, but it also pushed me to think more about the role of public history, its challenges and its opportunities.


