Izložba „Gradove smo vam podigli“

„Gradove smo vam podigli. Izložba o protivrečnostima jugoslovenskog socijalizma“ otvorena je u Umjetničkom paviljonu Cvijeta Zuzorić u Beogradu od 13. lipnja do 2. srpnja 2018. godine.
::::::: English below
„Gradove smo vam podigli“
Izložba o protivrečnostima jugoslovenskog socijalizma
Paviljon Cvijeta Zuzorić, Kalemegdan
Otvaranje izložbe: sreda, 13. jun 2018. u 19h
Izložba će biti otvorena do 02. jula 2018.
Kada je sredinom šezdesetih godina, govoreći o položaju radnika, tadašnji predsednik Saveza sindikata Jugoslavije izjavio da „ako radnicima nije dobro, neka štrajkuju!“, nije ni slutio da će uskoro to postati jugoslovenska realnost. Tokom osamdesetih štrajkovi su postali redovna pojava u gradovima širom zemlje. Od „Trepče“ do „TAM-a“, od „Labina“ do „Zmaja“ – radnici i radnice su štrajkovali zahtevajući bolje radne i životne uslove, a protiv mera štednje i neoliberalnog restrukturiranja Jugoslavije, koje je podržavalo i guralo pre svega političko i ekonomsko rukovodstvo.
Izložba „Gradove smo vam podigli“ govori upravo o tome. O kontradikcijama jugoslovenskog socijalizma koje su naročito bile izražene tokom osamdesetih godina prošlog veka i koje su vodile restauraciji kapitalističkog sistema. Međutim, pomenuti društveni procesi nisu se odvijali pravolinijski, ni bez otpora. Radilo se o kompleksnim klasnim logikama koje su se međusobno sudarale i sukobljavale, proizvodeći tako protivrečne političko-ekonomske pojave koje je nužno ponovo proučiti i sagledati.
Danas su sve države nastale nakon razbijanja Jugoslavije nacionalističko-kapitalističke, a neoliberalne „tranzicijske“ agende koje sprovode lokalni režimi pogoduju isključivo logici kapitala. Višedecenijski učinak procesa društvene transformacije najočigledniji je i najmerljiviji u sferi rada – potpuno uništavanje radničkih struktura i institucija demokratskog upravljanja ekonomijom, mase nezaposlenih ili slabo plaćenih radnica i radnika koje strepe za sopstvenu egzistenciju na periferiji globalnog kapitalističkog sistema. Od Vardara do Triglava veza i dalje postoji, ali ona je transformisana u putanju trgovine promašenim investicijama i jeftinom radnom snagom. U ovakvoj društveno-političkoj konstelaciji interese radničke klase malo ko zastupa. Stoga je nužno održavati perspektivu radništva vidljivom, sagledati iskustva i greške iz prošlosti i otvarati prostor za stvaranje drugačijeg društva.
U okviru izložbe „Gradove smo vam podigli“ vraćamo se na period socijalizma i njegovih protivrečnosti, a kroz niz istraživanja otvaramo pitanja koja su u kompleksnom međuodnosu: od ekonomije, politike, radničkog organizovanja do slobodnog vremena, medija, kulture i umetnosti.
Na izložbi učestvuju: Bojan Mrđenović (Zagreb), Boris Postnikov (Zagreb), Centar savremene umjetnosti Crne Gore (Podgorica), Crvena Association for Culture and Art (Sarajevo), Doplgenger (Beograd), Filip Jovanovski i Ivana Vaseva (Skoplje), grupa Borovo (Zagreb), Irena Pejić (Beograd), Iskra Krstic (Beograd), KURS (Beograd), Lidija K. Radojević i Ana Podvršič (Grac/Ljubljana), Majlinda Hoxha (Priština), Mario Reljanović (Beograd), Milica Lupsor (Zrenjanin), Kulturni centar PUNKT (Nikšić), Radnički video klub (Zrenjanin), Srđan Kovačević (Zagreb), Vigan Nimani (Priština).
Kustosi: Vida Knezevic i Marko Miletić (Kontekst kolektiv)
Vizuelni identitet i arhitektura izložbe: Andreja Miric
Dizajn postavke i vizuelizacija istraživanja: Milos Miletic i Mirjana Radovanovic (KURS)
Produkcija Centar za kulturnu dekontaminaciju.
Izložba je rezultat projekta projekta „Pertej/Beyond/Preko 20 godina“.
Projekat su podržali:
Delegacija Evropske Unije − EU/IPA (Podrška civilnom društvu)
Ministarstvo kulture i informisanja Republike Srbije
Kosovska fondacija za otvoreno društvo (KFOS)
Programi Centra za kulturnu dekontaminaciju realizuju se uz podršku Fondacije za otvoreno društvo.
“We Have Built Cities for You”
An Exhibition on the Contradictions of Yugoslav Socialism
The Cvijeta Zuzorić Pavilion, Kalemegdan Park
Opening ceremony: Wednesday, 13 June 2018 at 19 o/c
The exhibition will be open until 02 July 2018
When, in the mid-1960’s, speaking of the position of workers, the then Chairman of the Association of the Trade Unions of Yugoslavia stated that “If our workers’ situation is not good, let them go on strike!”, he had no inkling of the fact that, soon enough, that would become the reality of Yugoslavia. During the 1980’s, strikes became a regular occurrence in cities throughout the country. From “Trepča” to “TAM”, from “Labin” to “Zmaj” – working men and women went on strike demanding better working and living conditions, protesting against the austerity measures and the neoliberal restructuring of Yugoslavia, which was primarily supported and pushed forward by the political and economic leadership.
That is precisely what the exhibition “We Have Built Cities for You” is about. It is about the contradictions of Yugoslav socialism, which were particularly manifest during the course of the 1980’s, and which led to the restoration of the capitalist system. However, the above-mentioned social processes did not unfold in a linear fashion or without resistance. Complex class-related forms of logic were involved, which collided and were engaged in conflicts, thus producing contradictory political-economic phenomena that it is necessary to investigate and overview anew.
Today, all the states established after the destruction of Yugoslavia are nationalist-capitalist in character, and neoliberal “transition” agendas carried out by the local regimes favour solely the logic of capital. The results of a decades-long process of transformation are most evident and measurable in the sphere of work – a total destruction of the labour structures and institutions of democratic management of the economy, masses of unemployed or poorly paid working men and women who fret over their existence on the periphery of the global capitalist system. From the Vardar River to Mt Triglav, a connection still exists, but it has been transformed into the trajectory of trading in misguided investments and a cheap labour force. In such a socio-political constellation, few actors represent the interests of workers. That is why it is necessary to maintain the visibility of workers’ perspective, review the experiences from the past and open up space for creating a different society.
Within the framework of the exhibition “We Have Built Cities for You”, we return to the period of socialism and its contradictions, and through a number of researches we raise issues that are inter-related in a complex manner: from the economy, politics and workers’ self-management to leisure-time pursuits, the media, culture and art.
The exhibition participants include: Bojan Mrđenović (Zagreb), Boris Postnikov (Zagreb), Contemporary Art Center of Montenegro (Podgorica), Crvena (Sarajevo), Doplgenger (Belgrade), Filip Jovanovski and Ivana Vaseva (Skoplje), the group Borovo (Zagreb), Irena Pejić (Belgrade), Iskra Krstić (Belgrade), Kurs (Belgrade), Lidija K. Radojević and Ana Podvršič (Graz/Ljubljana), Majlinda Hoxha (Priština), Mario Reljanović (Belgrade), Milica Lupšor (Zrenjanin), the Cultural Centre Punkt (Nikšić), the Workers’ Video Club (Zrenjanin), Srđan Kovačević (Zagreb), Vigan Nimani (Priština).
Curators: Vida Knežević and Marko Miletić (Kontekst kolektiv)
Visual identity and exhibition architecture: Andreja Mirić
Exhibition design and research visualisation: Miloš Miletić and Mirjana Radovanović (KURS)
Production Centre for Cultural Decontamination.
The exhibition is the result of the project “Pertej/Beyond/Preko 20 godina”.
The project has been supported by:
The EU Delegation – EU/IPA (Support for civil society)
The Ministry of Culture and Information of the Republic of Serbia
The Kosovo Foundation for Open Society (KFOS)
The programmes of the Centre for Cultural Decontamination are realised with the support of the Open Society Foundation.