Workshop “History of Sexuality”

Na Europskom sveučilišnom institutu (EUI) u Firenci u petak, 1. lipnja 2018. bit će održana radionica o povijesti seksualnosti na kojoj sudjeluju povjesničari Mark Cornwall, Pieter M. Judson i drugi.



EUI Florence


Dates: Fri 01 Jun 2018 13.00 – 18.00


Sala del Torrino, Villa Salviati



This workshop features presentations of diverse works-in-progress in the social, cultural, legal, and political History of Sexuality by four current researchers in the department of History and Civilization and by Professor Mark Cornwall of the University of Southampton. The five will present research from their dissertations or book project for comment, critique, and discussion by Professors Healey and Judson, and by their peers.


The workshop is open to the EUI public



Location: Sala del Torrino, Villa Salviati

Affiliation: Department of History and Civilization

Type: Workshop

Organiser: Pieter M. Judson (EUI – Department of History and Civilization)

Attachment: Programme


