Historical Revisionism – A philosophical perspective [online lecture – 15 June]

An online lecture by Aviezer Tucker (Harvard University), titled “Historical Revisionism – A philosophical perspective”, organised by the University of Ostrava, Czech Republic.

Abstract: The paper will investigate the meaning of historical revisionism from an epistemic philosophical perspective according to its relation with the evidence rather than political underpinning, seeking to distinguish historiographic revision, which makes historiography into a progressive science that advances and improves, from revisionism which goes beyond and against the evidence. The examples for revisionism will be drawn from the historiography of totalitarianism.

We would like to invite all scholars interested in the philosophy of historiography to attend this talk and to participant in a discussion. The talk will be available for everybody with an internet browser and Adobe Flash plugin via Adobe Connect. The start is set on June 15 at 16:00 CET (14:00 GMT).
