Sebastian Haumann / Martin Knoll / Detlev Mares (eds.), “Concepts of Urban-Environmental History”

In history, cities and nature are often treated as two separate fields of research. »Concepts of Urban-Environmental History« aims to bridge this gap. The contributions to this volume survey major concepts and key issues which have shaped recent debates in the field. They address unresolved questions and future challenges. As a handbook, the collection offers a comprehensive overview for researchers and students, both from a historical and an interdisciplinary background.


   Urban-Environmental History as a Field of Research


    Socio-Natural Sites

    Materiality and Practice Theory

    Path-Dependency and Trajectories

    Risk and Resilience


    Urban Metabolism

    Material Flows and Circular Thinking

    Urban Infrastructure and the Cultural Turn

    Cities and Rivers

    Urban Energy Consumption, Mobility and Environmental Legacies

    Animals in Urban-Environmental History

Mobilities, Migration and Demography

    Heritage, Renewal and the Construction of Identity in Urban History

    Urban Heritage and Urban Development

    VillageSmall TownMetropolis

    European Periphery

    Urban-Environmental Perspectives in History Teaching




14. Februar 2020, 294 Seiten

Leseprobe (PDF):
