68, les archives du pouvoir

Nacionalni arhiv u Parizu priredio je izložbu i katalog koja donosi pogled državnih vlasti i administrativnog aparata na proteste, štrajkove i krizu u Francuskoj 1968. godine. Pritom je, zbog prolaska propisanih 50 godina, većina državnih dokumenata postala javno dostupna.
L’autorité en crise
Du 3 mai au 17 septembre 2018 – Site de Paris – Hôtel de Soubise
Les voix de la contestation
Du 24 mai au 22 septembre 2018 – Site de Pierrefitte-sur-Seine
Dans le cadre du 50e anniversaire de Mai 68, les Archives nationales organisent une exposition, en deux parties, sur leurs deux sites, présentant les événements de l’année 1968 vus par le pouvoir en place.
C’est au travers de documents d’archives en grande partie inédits que les Archives nationales invitent, sur le site de Paris, à découvrir 68 depuis les bureaux de l’administration, de la préfecture ou du pouvoir exécutif. Tandis que sur le site de Pierrefitte-sur-Seine, ce sont les voix de la contestation qui s’expriment à travers des documents collectés ou saisis : tracs, affiches, séquences audiovisuelles… par les acteurs de l’époque : forces de l’ordre, archivistes, chercheurs et militants.
Les Archives nationales présentent ainsi plus de 400 documents dont certains toujours scellés dans une exposition en deux temps qui commence à Paris et se poursuit à Pierrefitte-sur-Seine.
To mark the 50th anniversary of 1968, the Archives Nationales is organising an exhibition presenting the events of May-June 1968 as seen by the authorities of the time.
Ten million workers on strike, young people in the streets, public services at a standstill, a paralysed economy: the state faced a major social crisis which threatened to shake its very foundations. The entire country was affected, including all sectors of activity. The French Presidency, members of the government, central administrative officials and the State Security Court were among the authority figures and organisations seeking to contain the protests and ensure the continued survival of the state.
What should they do? Which methods should they use? And how could they subsequently make the institutional changes that would prevent any future movements of this magnitude?
’68, From A Government Point Of View thus invites us to discover the events of 1968 from the other side of the barricades, from the offices of administrative bodies, the prefecture, and the executive authorities, in the form of archive documents, most of which have never been seen before.
This deliberately one-sided approach is not intended to tell a new history of ’68, to be superimposed over existing narratives; on the contrary, by taking account of new historiographical elements, the exhibition seeks to contribute to the polyphony of the events of 1968. The objective is above all a civic one, the idea being to show how French national archival heritage might explain and reveal the inner workings of a state in crisis.
Indeed, in addition to the 50th anniversary of the events, 2018 also marks the opening of most of the state’s previously unavailable departmental archives, in accordance with heritage legislation. So this anniversary is not only a time for commemoration, it is also provides the opportunity to open the national archives to the public.