Gisèle Sapiro, „Des mots qui tuent: La responsabilité de l’intellectuel en temps de crise (1944-1945)“

Objavljena je 2020. godine knjiga Gisèle Sapiro „Riječi koje ubijaju. Odgovornost intelektualca u vremenima krize (1944-1945)“, čija se problematika može dakako primijeniti i na druga razdoblja, među njima i naše današnje, odnosno upravo sada. Des mots qui tuent « Il y a des mots aussi meurtriers qu’une chambre à gaz », écrit Simone de Beauvoir pour expliquer son refus de soutenir le recours en grâce de Brasillach, condamné à mort et exécuté en 1945. Read more

The Routledge History of American Science

Edited by Timothy W. Kneeland The Routledge History of American Science provides an essential companion to the most significant themes within the subject area. The field of the history of science continues to grow and expand into new areas and to adopt new theories to explain the role of science and its connections to politics, economics, religion, social structures, intellectual history, and art. Read more
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