Laurence Cole, Popular Reactions to the Outbreak of FWW

Na Filozofskom fakultetu u Ljubljani Laurence Cole (Sveučilište u Salzburgu) održat će 1. ožujka 2018. gostujuće predavanje o popularnim reakcijama na početak Prvog svjetskog rata.



1 March at 9:40–11:15



Filozofska fakulteta UL
Aškerčeva 2, Ljubljana, Slovenia



Laurence Cole



Popular Reactions to the Outbreak of the First World War in Western Austria



Laurence Cole studied modern history at the University of Oxford and the European University Institute and has taught at Birkbeck College (London), Birmingham University, and the University of East Anglia. Since 2013, he is Professor of Austrian History at the University of Salzburg.



His key publications are: Für Gott, Kaiser und Vaterland: Nationale Identität der deutschsprachigen Bevölkerung Tirols 1860-1914 (Frankfurt a.M., 2000) and Military Culture and Popular Patriotism in Late Imperial Austria, 1870-1914 (Oxford, 2014).



He has also edited: Different Paths to the Nation: Regional and National Identities in Central Europe and Italy, 1830-1870 (Basingstoke, 2007), (with Daniel Unowsky), The Limits of Loyalty: Imperial Symbolism, Popular Allegiances, and State Patriotism in the late Habsburg Monarchy (Oxford-New York, 2007), and (with Christa Hämmerle und Martin Scheutz), Glanz – Gewalt – Gehorsam: Militär und Gesellschaft in der Habsburgermonarchie (1800-1918) (Essen, 2011).


