Historiografska misao dana: “Although methodological nationalism does not deny its own connection to the national movement, it does deny any partisanship”

Trenutno samo spominjemo pojam “metodološkog nacionalizma” (koji ćemo kasnije elaborirati), dok nam je sada naglasak na tvrdnji koja upozorava da povjesničari pristupe klasne ili rodne povijesti drže ideologiziranima, dok vlastitu povezanost s nacijom i nacionalizmom ne smatraju takvom.





“Attacks are launched against the scientific character of alternative approaches, such as class history or gender history. They are accused of representing particular interests and of being too closely tied to political movements. Although methodological nationalism does not deny its own connection to the national movement, it does deny any partisanship.”



Matthias Middell and Lluis Roura Aulinas, “The Various Forms of Transcending the Horizon of National History Writing”, In: Transnational Challenges to National History Writing (edited by Matthias Middell and Lluís Roura), Palgrave Macmillan, 2013, p. 9.





