Preminuo povjesničar Jere Jareb (1922-2017)

U SAD-u je u 95. godini preminuo hrvatski i američki povjesničar Jere Jareb, autor poznate knjige “Pola stoljeća hrvatske politike: povodom Mačekove autobiografije” (Buenos Aires 1960; Zagreb 1995).





Preminuo hrvatski i američki povjesničar Jere Jareb


Ugledni hrvatski i američki povjesničar Jere Jareb preminuo je u utorak u Staračkom domu u Charlottesvilleu u Sjedinjenim Američkim Državama





Dr. Jere Jareb (May 3, 1922-November 20, 2017), one of the founding members of the Association for Croatian Studies and the Croatian Academy of America passed away on November 20, 2017. The funeral mass will be held on Saturday, November 25, in The Incarnation Church in Charlottesville Va.



Dr. Jareb studied law in Zagreb during WW II and in 1945 fled to Austria. After arriving to the U.S. in 1952, he completed a study of history at Columbia University in New York where he also obtained his Ph.D. His dissertation focused on The Adriatic Question from June 1919 to February 1924. From 1963-66 he was a professor at Rutgers University in New Brunswick and as of 1966 at Saint Francis University in Loretto, Pennsylvania, where he also served as chair of the Department of History and Political Science from 1970-92. He published numerous studies on Croatian history of the first half of the twentieth century.








Časopis za suvremenu povijest, Vol. 40, No. 3, 2008.


Razgovor s dr. Jerom Jarebom u povodu 80. godišnjice njegova života



Bibliografija knjiga i radova dr. Jere Jareba, 1952.-2005.



