CfP: The Digital History Seminar for the Mediterranean and the Balkans

The Digital History Seminar for the Mediterranean and the Balkans is a joint initiative by the École française d’Athènes and the Research Centre for Modern History, Panteion University. It aims to bring together scholars working on any period of Mediterranean or Balkan history (including prehistory) using digital methods. It aspires to contribute to the formation of a community exchanging ideas and benefiting from the individual or collective experiences in addressing methodological challenges, novel approaches, or interdisciplinary solutions. Equally important is to communicate and share unresolved questions, mistakes, or epistemological limitations encountered while dealing with different kinds of datasets, research questions, or projects. The Seminar will function as a collaborative body that transcends the traditional archetype of the solitary scholar to promote a different way of historical work by pooling together ideas, methods, experiences, datasets, and resources.
Interested parties at any career stage, working on a historical topic geographically located in the Mediterranean and the Balkans, and involving any of the three above-described methods from the perspective of a range of disciplines including, but not limited to, History, Archaeology, Classics, Geography, Philology/Comparative Literature, Sociology, or Political Science, are invited to send an abstract by 1 September 2024 to