Exhibiting the Past: Public Histories of Education

Edited by Frederik Herman, Sjaak Braster and María del Mar del Pozo Andrés

With respect to public issues, history matters. With the worldwide interest for historical issues related with gender, religion, race, nation, and identity, public history is becoming the strongest branch of academic history. This volume brings together the contributions from historians of education about their engagement with public history, ranging from musealisation and alternative ways of exhibiting to new ways of storytelling.


Towards A Public History of Education: A Manifesto

Frederik Herman, Sjaak Braster and María del Mar del Pozo Andrés


Like a Voice in the Wilderness? Striving for a Responsible Handling of the Educational Heritage

Marc Depaepe

Life after the Apology: Making the Unspeakable Visible

Lieselot De Wilde, Bruno Vanobbergen and Sarah Van Bouchaute

Between Nostalgia and Trauma: Representation of Soviet Childhood in the Museums of Latvia

Iveta Kestere and Arnis Strazdins

Public History between the Scylla of Academic History and the Charybdis of History as a Show: A Personal and Institutional Experience

Antonio Viñao Frago

Public Voices and Teachers’ Identities: Exploring the Visitors’ Book of a School Memory Exhibition

María del Mar del Pozo Andrés

Flowers on a Grave: Memories of a Hidden, but Not Forgotten, School (Hi)story

Helena Ribeiro de Castro


Story Telling through Fine Art: Public Histories of Childhood and Education in Exhibitions in the Netherlands and Belgium C. 1980 – C. 2020

Jeroen J.H. Dekker

Future Pasts: Web Archives and Public History as Challenges for Historians of Education in Times of COVID-19

Karin Priem and Ian Grosvenor

Conserving the Past, Learning from the Past: Art, Science and London’s National Gallery

Joyce Goodman

Art, Anti-fascism, and the Evolution of a “Propaganda of the Imagination”: The Artists International Association 1933–1945

Ian Grosvenor and Siân Roberts

Exhibiting the Past: Women in Art and Design in the Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Centuries

Christine Mayer

Picturing School Architecture: Monumentalization and Modernist Angles in the Photographs of School Spaces, 1880–1920

Inés Dussel


Memories of Harm in Institutions of Care: The Dutch Historiography of Institutional Child Abuse from a Comparative Perspective

Nelleke Bakker

Exhibiting Teachers’ Hands: Storytelling Based on a Private Collection of Engravings

Sjaak Braster

Rocking Horses as Peripheral Objects in Pedagogies of Childhood: An Imagined Exhibition

Catherine Buke

On the Trail of the Toucan: A Travelogue about A Peregrination in Educational History

Angelo Van Gorp and Frederik Herman

Reflections of a Textbook Writer

Wayne J. Urban

Making Teacher Union History “Public”: The British Columbia (Canada) Teachers’ Union, and Its “Online Museum”

Harry Smaller

The Pedagogical Press and the Public Debate about Schooling

Lucía Martínez Moctezuma

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