6. Berliner Herbstsalon 2023: LOST – YOU GO SLAVIA

After Russia’s attack on all of Ukraine on February 24th, 2022, again and again the talk was of the first war in Europe since 1945. What? Didn’t we forget something? Our friends and colleagues from the former Yugoslavia rubbed their eyes in disbelief, and those of us who can, and want to, remember still have the names Osijek, Vukovar, Srebrenica, Sarajevo and Omarska ringing in our ears, just as we cannot get the names Bucha, Irpin, Cherson, Bakhmut und Mariupol out of our heads today. But isn’t that view again too Eurocentric? Aren’t much more global questions at play right now? What to do? How to face all the crises at home and around the world? These questions for the 6. Berliner Herbstsalon were already in the air during the prologue in spring: GEZİ – TEN YEARS AFTER. Now, in the second part, LOST – YOU GO SLAVIA, we take a look at what the bloody dissolution of Yugoslavia has to do with our present. State structures don’t just simply fall apart. That is what we saw 30 years ago, what we saw in Georgia in 2008, 2011 in Sudan and what we have seen in Ukraine since 2014. And what do our politics, our history, our ignorance have to do with all of that?
Curated by Shermin Langhoff & Oliver Frljić with Johannes Kirsten Co-Curator Erden Kosova Assistant Curator Gabriela Seith Scenography Pia Grüter Curatorial Assistance Nele Lindemann, Theresa Welge Scenography Assistant Alice Faucher, Ronja Bendel, Ruby Wisdom
Gefördert aus Mitteln des Landes Berlin, Senatsverwaltung für Kultur und Gesellschaftlichen Zusammenhalt.
© Mladen Stilinović: Pjevaj! (Sing!), 1980. By courtesy of Branka Stipančić
ERÖFFNUNG / OPENING (28/29/30/September)
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