54. Deutscher Historikertag: Fragile Fakten
Na Sveučilištu u Leipzigu održava se od 19. do 22. rujna 2023. godine 54. njemački kongres povjesničara. Među nizom događanja i diskusija, organizatori posebno upućuju na „metoohistory“ – raspravu o zloupotrebi moći u njemačkom znanstvenom sustavu, koju će se 20. rujna moći pratiti i online.
What is a Historikertag?
The 54th German Historians’ Day will take place in Leipzig from 19 to 22 September 2023. In 1893, university professors met for the first time in Munich. They discussed whether history was sufficiently taken into account in school curricula. The second meeting took place in Leipzig in 1894. Shortly afterwards, a professional association was founded, which today bears the name Verband der Historiker und Historikerinnen Deutschlands (VHD). Its members usually met every two years at a different location in Germany.
Today, with around 3,500 participants from Germany and abroad, the congress is considered one of the largest in the humanities in Europe. The aim of the meetings is to present the results of historical research to the public, to discuss current concerns of historians and to exchange professional and social ideas. The congress is organised jointly by the VHD, the VGD and a local committee, this year at the University of Leipzig.
metoohistory: Discussion event on abuse of power in the German science system
Abuse of power in the German academic system is perceived by many as an isolated phenomenon. Only rarely are incidents such as sexualised assault, verbal harassment, mobbing and discrimination reported and consistently prosecuted. However, anyone who takes the trouble to speak to those responsible for equal opportunities or personnel matters hears of a large number of cases, which suggests an extent far beyond individual cases. Current events and press reports – such as those in connection with two lecturers at the Institute of Historical Studies at the HU Berlin – show that the subject of history is also affected.
In order to make this problem visible, we, the initiative #metoohistory, invite you to a discussion event at the Historikertag in Leipzig. In a first exchange between representatives of the VHD board, professors, mid-level staff and students, the structural problem for the subject culture of historical studies will be addressed. With expertise from labour law, psychology and contact points for those affected, we will discuss the necessary courses of action, both to sanction perpetrators, to encourage observers and those in the know to take active action, and to support those affected.