The Cartography of the Political Novel in Europe: Thinking the Political

Radionica „Thinking the Political“ održat će se 9. i 10. svibnja 2023. od 9:30 do 14:30, s plenarnim izlagačima Oliverom Marchartom (Sveučilište u Beču) i Prathamom Banerjee (CSDS, Delhi). U okviru HORIZON projekta The Cartography of the Political Novel in Europe radionicu organizira Centre for Applied Philosophy, Politics, and Ethics (CAPPE) Sveučilišta u Brightonu, a bit će ju moguće pratiti online.

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Utorak, 9. svibnja
· 9.30-10.00: Opening Remarks
The Political and the Novel?
· 10.00-10.45:
Allan Hansen (Roskilde University)
From the ontology of the political to general hauntology
· 10.45-11.30:
Tanay Gandhi (University of Southampton)
Fugitivity and Literary Politics in Namdeo Dhasal and Baburao Bagul
· 11.45-12.30:
Clare Woodford (University of Brighton)
The Politics of Equality 

13.00-14.30: KEYNOTE
Oliver Marchart (University of Vienna)
Thinking the Political

Srijeda, 10. svibnja
· 9.30-10.15
Mark Devenney (University of Brighton)
The Novel’s Improiper Politics
· 10.15-11.00
Vedrana Velickovic (University of Brighton)
The Politics of Black British Writing
· 11.00-11.45
Ricardo Camargo Brito (University of Chile)
Thinking the Political in the Chilean Context
· 11.45-12.30
German Primera (University of Brighton)
Political Ontology in the Wake

13.00-14.30: KEYNOTE
Prathama Banerjee (CSDS Delhi)
Temporalities of Radical Politics

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