Online Workshop “Emotions and Holocaust Studies”

An Online Workshop: Emotions and Holocaust Studies

September 13th and 14th, 2022


Concept and Organization: Stefanie Fischer and Kobi Kabalek in collaboration with the Buber-Resenzweig Institute (Goethe University Frankfurt), Center for the Study of Antisemitism (Technical University, Berlin), Fritz Bauer Institute (Goethe University Frankfurt), and Penn State University.


Tuesday – September 13th, 2022
13:30 CET
Introductory Remarks
Stefanie Fischer (Goethe University Frankfurt / Technical University Berlin), Christian Wiese (Goethe University Frankfurt), Veronika Duma (Goethe University Frankfurt), Kobi Kabalek (Penn State University)

13:45 – 14:55
First Encounters: Disbelief and Disgust
Chair: Mark Roseman (Indiana University)
Jeff Koerber (Chapman University): “Grodno, Soviet Belarus, 22 June 1941: Shock and Disbelief in Response to the German Invasion”
Mark Celinscak (University of Nebraska at Omaha): “Right Off the Emotional Scale: Anger and Disgust in Liberators’ Accounts”

15:05 – 16:15
Writing Emotions
Chair: Amos Goldberg (Hebrew University)
Amy Simon (Michigan State University): “The Deepening Darkness: Emotions in Yiddish Holocaust Diaries”
Sara Ann Sewell (Virginia Wesleyan University): “Screams: Embodied Affective Expressions in Holocaust Soundscapes”

16:30 – 18:00
Intimacy and Love
Chair: Kerry Wallach (Gettysburg College)
Judd Robin (Ohio State University): “‘Pushing Away the Memories’: Remembrances of Love and Grief in the Postwar Homes of Holocaust Survivor/Allied Veteran Families”
Paul O’Shea (University of Leicester): “Friendships as ‘Spaces’ of Emotional Refuge in the Mauthausen Concentration Camp”
Lisa Peschel (University of York): “Positive Emotion and Memories of Theatre in the Terezín Ghetto”

18:10 – 19:20
Arousing Empathy in Testimony
Chair: Esra Özyürek (University of Cambridge)
Rebekah Slodounik (Bucknell University): “The Cultivation of Empathy in the Holocaust Diaries of Anne Frank and Renia Spiegel”
Rachel Perry (Haifa University) and Ella Falldorf (Jena University): “Empathic Unsettlement in Art from the Holocaust?”

Wednesday, September 14th, 2022

13:50 Welcome

Spaces and Places of Emotion
Chair: Uffa Jensen (Technical University Berlin)
Therkel Stræde (University of Southern Denmark): “Places of Fear in the Theresienstadt Ghetto”
Tim Cole (University of Bristol) and Alberto Giordano (Texas State University): “Emotional Geographies of the Holocaust: Methods and Representations”

Escaping Hitler
Chair: Irit Dekel (Indiana University)
Charlie Knight (University of Southampton): “‘Please will you tell me […] Why is she not writing?: Concern for loved ones in the epistolary practices of German-Jewish refugees”
Hannah Holtschneider (University of Edinburgh): “Entrusting one’s child to the care of others: emotions in the correspondence between a German Jewish family and Scottish couple 1939-1940”

16:50 – 18:00
Dealing with Guilt
Chair: Anna M. Parkinson (Northwestern University)
Carolin Lange (Institute for the History of German Jews): “After They Left – The Feelings of Germans Living in Deported Jews’ Homes”
Greta Štikelytė (Institute of Lithuanian Literature and Folklore): “A Double-Perspective Approach to Shame and Guilt in Third-Generation Holocaust Perpetratorship Memory Narratives”

Fear and Remorse in Postwar Poland
Chair: Zuzanna Dziuban (Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna)
Yechiel Weizman (Bar-Ilan University): “Remorse, Embarrassment, and Materiality after the Holocaust”
Anat Plocker (Stanford University): “Memory Wars and Fear of Jews: Poland 1968”

FINAL DISCUSSION: The Emotions of Holocaust Scholars
Chair: Atina Grossmann (Cooper Union)
Veronika Duma (Goethe University Frankfurt), Axel Doßmann (Jena University), and Stefanie Fischer (Goethe University Frankfurt / Technical University Berlin)

Emotions and Holocaust Studies. In: H-Soz-Kult, 05.09.2022, <>.
