“Rethinking Intellectual History in East Central Europe. Transformation of Identities in Central Europe and Politicisation of the Masses”
International workshop and conference organised by the Department of General History at Faculty of Arts, Comenius University in Bratislava, Institute of History at the Slovak Academy of Sciences and the international research group Intellectual History in East Central Europe
2.-4. September 2022, Bratislava, Faculty of Arts, Gondova 2
Na međunarodnoj konferenciji o intelektualnoj povijesti koja se održava u Bratislavi od 2. do 4. rujna 2022. sudjeluju, među ostalim, Isidora Grubački, Stefan Gužvica, Lucija Balikić, Nikola Tomašegović, Tjaša Konovšek, Marko Zajc, Maria Falina i Zsófia Lóránd – s izlaganjima o jugoslavenskoj, hrvatskoj, slovenskoj i srpskoj povijesti te drugim temama.