Časopis Montenegrin Journal for Social Sciences (MJSS) objavljuje poziv autorima za dostavljanje članaka za prvi broj časopisa u 2020. godini.


Montenegrin Journal for Social Sciences (MJSS) je naučni časopis koji objavljuje rezultate istraživanja iz oblasti društvenih i humanističkih nauka, odnosno, Istorije, Geopolitike, Političkih nauka, Sociologije, Prava, Ekonomije, Demografije i drugih multidisciplinarnih područja. MJSS podržava istraživanja i proučavanja istorijskih i političkih procesa, međunarodnih odnosa, političke ekonomije, geopolitičkih i geostrateških osobenosti Jugoistočne Evrope.

Više detalja o ciljevima i djelovanju časopisa možete pronaći na linku: http://www.mjss.ac.me/index.php/srp/aims-and-scope


Časopis Montenegrin Journal for Social Sciences (MJSS) indeksiran je u više naučnih baza, između ostalih u bazama: – CEOL-Central and Eastern European Online, ERIH PLUS, Google Scholar, Index Copernicus, CiteFactor, Scientific Indexing Services (SIS), ISRA-Journal impact factor, Electronic Journals Library, ROAD, General Impact Factor, OAJI – Open Academic Journals Index



Svi radovi dostavljeni Redakciji, biće predmet dvostruke recenzije. Nakon rezenziranja, članak može biti odbijen, poslat autoru na reviziju ili prihvaćen za objavljivanje. Radovi se objavljuju na engleskom jeziku i jezicima bivših jugoslovenskih republika, uz napomenu da će prednost imati radovi dostavljeni na  engleskm jeziku. Detalje o načinu i uslovima pripreme članka, uz uputstva autorima, možete pronaći na linku: http://www.mjss.ac.me/index.php/srp/instrukcije-za-autore


Radove za drugi broj časopisa Montenegrin Journal for Social Sciences slati na adresu mjss@ucg.ac.me, najkasnije do 15. maja 2020. godine.

Sve dodatne informacije možete pronaći na sajtu: www.mjss.ac.me





MONTENEGRIN JOURNAL FOR SOCIAL SCIENCES (MJSS) announces a call for Papers for the first issue of the MJSS in 2020.


MJSS is a scientific journal that is publishing results of research in the field of social sciences and humanities. MJSS encourages research and comparative approaches of History, Geopolitics, Political Science, Sociology, Law, Economics, Demography and other multidisciplinary areas. More details about aims and scope of the journal can be found in the link:



Montenegrin Journal for Social Sciences is indexed in a more scientific base, including the bases: – CEOL-Central and Eastern European Online, ERIH PLUS, Google Scholar, Index Copernicus, CiteFactor, Scientific Indexing Services (SIS), ISRA-Journal impact factor, Electronic Journals Library, ROAD, General Impact Factor, OAJI – Open Academic Journals Index



All the scientific papers submitted to the Editorial office of the MJSS are subject to double-blind review (authors and the reviewer do not know each other). The manuscript submitted to the editors is subjected to initial review and verification for compliance to the topics of the journal and formal editorial requirements. If the paper doesn’t comply with the subject-matter of the journal it is excluded from further consideration and the author is notified about it. After reviewing, the article can be rejected, sent to the author for revision or accepted for publication. For more information see the link below:



The journal is publishing the following categories of article: original scientific paper, review and presentation at the scientific conference. The Editorial board accepts manuscripts that are written in English or Montenegrin which have not been previously published. MJSS supports an open access, which means that all of its contents are freely available without charging users or their institutions. Users are allowed to read, upload, copy, distribute, print out, search and share links to the full text of the articles or use them in any other legal way without requesting explicit permission from the author or publisher. More details can be find in the link:



Papers for the second issue MONTENEGRIN JOURNAL FOR SOCIAL SCIENCES should be sent by e-mail mjss@ucg.ac.me no later than May 15, 2020.

All additional information can be found on the site: www.mjss.ac.me




