II International Conference in Historiography (Debrecen, 17-19th October 2019)

To the memory of István Szabó (1898-1969)

To the memory of Georg G. Iggers (1926-2017)

Book and journal presentations (The Engaged Historian. Edited by Stefan Berger, Basingstoke, 2019. Aetas, 2019/2. Storia della storiografia, 2018/1)



II International Conference in Historiography


Venue: University of Debrecen, Egyetem square 1., Main Building, Room: 316. Library, Institute for History




17th, October (In Hungarian): To the memory of István Szabó (1898-1969)


13h: Opening, greetings.


Chair: Pók Attila (Budapest)


13.30-14h: Orosz István (Debrecen): Szabó István két tanulmánya a magyar jobbágyság történetéről. (István Szabó’s two studies about the history of peasantry).

14-14.30h: Kövér György (Budapest): Munkaközösség az osztályharc frontvonalán (1950-1952). (A research group on the frontline of  the class struggle [1950-1952])

14.30-15.00h: Erős Vilmos (Debrecen): Egy polgári történész (Szabó István) üldöztetései az 1950-es években. (The persecutions of a „bourgeois” historian [István Szabó] in the 1950s.)


15.00-15.30h: Discussion, coffee-break.


Chair: Kövér György (Budapest)


15.30-16.00h: Törő László Dávid (Debrecen): A Burgenland-atlas (1941) keletkezése és történeti koncepciója. (The genesis of the Burgenland-atlas [1941] and its conception of history.)

16.00-16.30h: Pók Attila (Budapest): Személyes emlékek Georg G. Iggersről. (Personal reminiscence about Georg G. Iggers).


16.30-17.00h: Discussion.


18th, October (In English): To the memory of Georg G. Iggers (1926-2017)


Chair:  Erős Vilmos (Debrecen)


10.00-11.00h: Stefan Berger (Bochum): History Writing and Collective Identity Formation: what is the Relationship Today?

11.00-11.30h: Monika Baár (Leiden): New Directions in Social History: Writing the History of Disability.

11.30-12.00h: Lévai Csaba (Debrecen): A Classic in Social History, or a Masterpiece of Microhistory. The Genesis of „Salem Possessed” by Paul Boyer and Steven Nissenbaum.

11-30-12.h: Séllei Nóra (Debrecen): Gender Troubles in Hungary.


12-12.30h: Discussion, coffee-break.

12.30-14h: Lunch.


Chair: Monika Baár (Leiden)


14.00-14.30h: Király Bodnár Tibor (Budapest): Critical Methods and the Late Enlightement History. Martin Schwartner (1759-1823) and the Reappraisal of Diplomatics.

14.30-15.00h: Lajtai László (Budapest): Reconsidered rootedness. Pál Hunfalvy (1810-1891) and the rewriting of ethnogenesis and ethnic past in Dualist Hungary.

15.00-15.30h:  Molnár Géza (Budapest): The Hungarian Diplomacy about the Italian Fascism between the two World Wars.


15.30-16.00h: Discussion, coffee-break.


16.00-17h: Book and journal presentations. (The Engaged Historian. Ed. by: Stefan Berger, Basingstoke, 2019. Aetas, 2019/2. Storia della storiografia, 2018/1.)


 19th, October (In German and English): To the memory of Georg G. Iggers (1926-2017)


Chair: Erős Vilmos (Debrecen)


10.00-10.30h: Kiss Endre (Budapest): Perspektivismus und Autoritaet des grossen Historikers. Der Fall Jacob Burckhardt.

10.30-11h: Paul Maurice (Paris): Die ambivalenten Verhaeltnisse des marxistischen Wirtschaftshistorikers Jürgen Kyczinski zu der politischen Macht in der DDR Historiographie.


Chair: Lévai Csaba (Debrecen)


11.00-11.30h: Törő László Dávid (Debrecen): The Burgerland-debate between the Austrian and Hungarian historians in the first half of the 1930s.

11.30-12.00h: Martina Pillingová (Slovakia): The dissolution of the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy and the creation of Czechoslovakia in Slovak vocational school textbooks.

12.00-12.30h: Erős Vilmos (Debrecen): About the Concept of Historiography. Paradigms in the Modern European Historical Writing.


12.30-13. 00h: Discussion. Closing remarks to the conference.



II. Nemzetközi Historiográfiai Konferencia






